I am at the World Chess Olympiad Istanbul
(too old to reply)
2012-09-03 06:40:06 UTC
I am at the World Chess Olympiad in Istanbul. I arrived in Istanbul at
5:30 AM on Sunday September 2, 2012 after an all night flight from New

I am staying at "Hotel Buyuk Londra" or "Grand Hotel De Londres" or
istanbul büyük londra oteli


It is on Para Street near Taksim Square.

It only costs 60 Euros. I found it after hours of walking around. All
the other hotels wanted from 110 to 150 Euros.

This hotel is entirely satisfactory except that it is a long Metro
ride from the Olympiad playing hall.

Sam Sloan
2012-09-04 01:04:08 UTC
samsloan wrote:
Post by samsloan
I am staying at "Hotel Buyuk Londra" or "Grand Hotel De Londres" or
istanbul büyük londra oteli
It is on Para Street near Taksim Square.
It only costs 60 Euros. I found it after hours of walking around. All
the other hotels wanted from 110 to 150 Euros.
This hotel is entirely satisfactory except that it is a long Metro
ride from the Olympiad playing hall.

I guess 60E only gets an 'economy' room, but nevertheless what a
smashing hotel!.. tres romantique - no?..

Maybe the playing hall is a long way from the centre of things?..

I've been looking @ this tourney on chessgames.com: So far, there's only
~ 1,500 individual games to consider playing through, the majority of
which seem to be between 'unknown' 2,500's versus 2,200's with
predictable results, although there are some enjoyable upsets:

Jomo Pitterson vs Matej Sebenik - Chess Olympiad 2012 · King's Indian
Defense: Orthodox Variation (E94) · 1-0

[Site "Istanbul TUR"]
[Round "1.26"]
[Result "1-0"]
[White "Jomo Pitterson"]
[Black "Matej Sebenik"]
[ECO "E94"]
[WhiteElo "2221"]
[BlackElo "2552"]
[PlyCount "93"]

1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. e4 d6 5. Nf3 O-O 6. Be2 e5
7. O-O exd4 8. Nxd4 Re8 9. f3 c6 10. Bf4 Nh5 11. Be3 f5
12. Qd2 f4 13. Bf2 Be5 14. Rad1 Qe7 15. b4 Nd7 16. a3 Nf8
17. Na4 Ng3 18. Rfe1 Nxe2+ 19. Rxe2 Ne6 20. Nb3 b6 21. Nb2 Ba6
22. Qc1 Qg7 23. Nd3 Bf6 24. a4 Rac8 25. Rc2 g5 26. b5 Bb7
27. Nb4 Be5 28. a5 g4 29. Kh1 g3 30. Bg1 gxh2 31. Bf2 c5
32. Nd5 Kh8 33. axb6 Rg8 34. Bh4 Qh6 35. Ne7 Qxh4 36. Nxc8
Rxc8 37. bxa7 Qd8 38. Ra2 Ra8 39. Na5 Rxa7 40. Nc6 Rxa2
41. Nxd8 Nxd8 42. Qb1 Ra8 43. Rd2 Ra4 44. Rxd6 Bxd6 45. Qd1
Bc7 46. Qxa4 Kg7 47. b6 1-0

2012-09-04 12:45:27 UTC
Post by samsloan
I am at the World Chess Olympiad in Istanbul.
Since you are a muslim you could have stayed anywhere for free.
2012-09-06 22:04:12 UTC
Post by Offramp
Post by samsloan
I am at the World Chess Olympiad in Istanbul.
Since you are a muslim you could have stayed anywhere for free.
Sam is about as Muslim as the Pope.
Peter Sloan
2012-09-11 17:36:27 UTC
Don't let Sam Sloan post the news, back home he is finishing off his daughter Mary.

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