2013-04-23 03:01:08 UTC
It appears that they had no immediate help in the planning or
execution of the bombing. However, it is likely that the elder brother
received training in how to build these bombs when he returned to
Russia last year. They planned the bomb blasts to occur not at the
time when the winners were crossing the finish lines but two hours
later when the slow recreational runners were finally arriving. Why
did they do that? We must be thankful that they did not explode the
bombs in New York City during rush hour at Grand Central Station, Penn
Station or on a subway platform when they would have killed a lot more
people. They must have wanted the dramatic effect of exploding the
bombs during the famous Boston Marathon.
Sam Sloan
execution of the bombing. However, it is likely that the elder brother
received training in how to build these bombs when he returned to
Russia last year. They planned the bomb blasts to occur not at the
time when the winners were crossing the finish lines but two hours
later when the slow recreational runners were finally arriving. Why
did they do that? We must be thankful that they did not explode the
bombs in New York City during rush hour at Grand Central Station, Penn
Station or on a subway platform when they would have killed a lot more
people. They must have wanted the dramatic effect of exploding the
bombs during the famous Boston Marathon.
Sam Sloan