2012-03-18 20:22:32 UTC
To the US Attorney's Office,
Sentencing Memorandum Concerning Defendant Gregory Alexander, No. CR
09-00719 EDL
I am the principal victim of the offenses committed by Gregory
Alexander. Your memorandum says that you will consult with the
victims. However, you have not consulted with me.
I have made a point of staying out of this process, but now I must
comment on your misunderstanding of the seriousness of the situation.
Gregory Alexander was not merely a "volunteer moderator" as you say.
Rather, he was the owner of, that was registered
in the name of his wife Tatania. was a "Phishing"
website. This term is defined at
Phishing is a way of attempting to acquire information such as
usernames, passwords, and credit card details by masquerading as a
trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.
Gregory Alexander set up this Phishing website as a way to do exactly
that. He wanted to capture the user names and passwords of USCF
members. He set up a lot of different pages on this website with
forums, votes, polls and other features that USCF members and
officials would find interesting. He then got himself appointed by
Bill Goichberg and Bill Hall as a moderator for the USCF Issues Forum. He was appointed as
moderator there by Goichberg and Hall there to attack me. From his
position as moderator of the USCF Issues Forum, Alexander could lure
and attract readers to which he owned. From there
he could steal the passwords and user names of USCF members, relying
on the fact that, out of laziness, many Internet users use the same
user name and password over and over again.
Armed with the user names and passwords of a large number of USCF
members, Alexander then proceeded to test them out on a large number
of other websites such as He struck paydirt when he found
that one USCF official, Randy Hough, used the same user name and
password on Yahoo as he did on
His whole reason for doing this was not idle curiosity. It was to gain
control of the United States Chess Federation, which has $3.5 million
in annual revenues. He was part of a team along with Susan Polgar and
Paul Truong to gain control of the USCF's financial assets. The USCF
had $3.5 million in annual revenues and about 80,000 members. There
are 600,000 chess players with USCF ratings. These resources had been
targeted by Polgar, Truong and Alexander. Susan Polgar is a famous
chess grandmaster, but she has no education. She never went to school
a day in her life. She was trained from the age of 4 to be a
professional chess player. Susan Polgar was required by her parents to
study chess 10-12 hours every day from age 4 until she reached legal
age. I know this because I lived in the Polgar home in Budapest for
some time in 1986. The result is a person who knows everything about
chess, but who lacks the most basic common knowledge of other basic
Susan Polgar had the simplistic idea that all she had to do was gain
control of the USCF and the $3.5 million per year would be hers. She
did not have even the most basic understanding of the way that
corporations work. I know this because for a time I was not only her
best friend, I was her only friend. I could not understand why
everybody else in the world of chess who knew her personally hated her
so much. Her claims that they were simply jealous of her chess playing
ability and hated her for that reason or because she was Jewish seemed
difficult to believe. Susan Polgar still today constantly plays the
victim card, claiming that she is the victim of invidious
discrimination, whereas in reality she is the most over-promoted chess
personality in world history, with the fewest real accomplishments.
For example, she constantly claims to have won the world chess
championship four times, whereas she really only won it once, and she
claims to have won the “Grand Slam” in chess, whereas there is no such
event or title.
Because Susan Polgar lacked the most basic common knowledge of how
anything works, she needed a technical expert to help her take over
the USCF. That technical expertise was provided by Gregory Alexander.
Your memorandum is entirely wrong when is says on page 5 that Gregory
Alexander “did not use his unauthorized access for personal financial
gain”. In reality, Alexander was involved in a corporate take-over
attempt. His partners were Susan Polgar and Paul Truong. This take-
over attempt very nearly succeeded. It was almost a miracle that it
failed. The Polgar slate swept the 2007 elections, gaining all four
seats on a seven member board. The only reason that Polgar did not
complete her takeover was that one member of her slate, Randy Bauer,
defected and went over to the Goichberg side. Later, Polgar got
another board member, Joel Channing, to switch his allegiance, so she
was again only one vote away from gaining complete control of the
USCF. However, the other members of the Goichberg group forced
Channing to resign from the board.
Polgar filed an entirely baseless lawsuit entitled Susan Polgar vs.
USCF. In this lawsuit, she trotted out the same basic allegations she
has always used to gain publicity for herself since she was a kid,
which are that she is a victim of discrimination because she is a poor
foreign-born Jewish girl and such a good chess player (even though she
has not played a rated game of chess in years). Her complaint alleged
that in furtherance of this conspiracy against her, the USCF
defendants only put her picture on the cover of Chess Life magazine
one time, whereas she really deserved to have her picture on the cover
of Chess Life more times than that.
Among the many people she sued in this baseless lawsuit were Randall
Hough, Brian Lafferty and myself. She never told us what we were
accused of doing or not doing and we still do not know. For example, I
had nothing to do with the decision to put her picture on the cover of
Chess Life only one time. To this day, none of know why she sued us.
It was to gain strategic advantages in this lawsuit that Susan Polgar
got Gregory Alexander to invade the Yahoo email account of Randall
Hough, not because she was specifically targeting him, but because he
was the only board member stupid enough to use the same user name and
password on that he was using on .
Susan Polgar then inadvisedly broadcast the confidential information
she had obtained from Gregory Alexander who had gotten it from Randall
Hough's email account by posting it on the Google newsgroup She did it to gain public sympathy for
herself and prove her claims that she is a victim of this vast
conspiracy. However, it also had the consequence of alerting the board
and the USCF's attorney Karl Kronenberger that somebody had gained
unauthorized access to the confidential emails he had been sending to
the board members excluding Polgar and Truong. This started the long
process involving the issuance of subpoenas to Yahoo and other
Internet groups, including the service providers for each of the board
members, to find out where the leak had come from. Finally, they were
able to establish that Gregory Alexander had gained these documents by
invading Randall's Hough's email account, and then had given them to
Susan Polgar.
So, for you to say that Alexander had nothing personally to gain from
this is ridiculous. He was seeking to gain and nearly did gain control
over to the United States Chess Federation.
Also, for you to consult with only Bill Hall and Goichberg is
inappropriate, as they were partners with Polgar, Truong and Alexander
until January 2008, when they broke with her after the USCF's attorney
Proskauer Rose refused to defend further Polgar and Truong after
Proskauer discovered a fact that Goichberg and Hall already knew,
which was that Truong was “The Fake Sam Sloan”. Goichberg and Hall
were using Alexander, Polgar and Truong to attack me and Mike Goodall,
because we were complaining that the USCF had lost $2 million dollars
because of Goichberg and Hall. Goichberg and Hall were trying to cover
up these losses. In furtherance of this conspiracy, they allowed
Polgar and Truong to get away with stealing the USCF's laptop computer
which contained all of the USCF's financial information. This laptop
computer was stolen from the USCF's office in New Windsor New York.
Polgar and Troung have admitted to taking it. Because of the missing
laptop and the unavailability of the financial data that it contained,
it has proven impossible to reconstruct what happened to the missing
$2 million dollars.
To explain by way of analogy and also to give you information that you
will soon find out anyway, there was a third group contesting the USCF
elections, that consisting of Mike Goodall and myself. In the 2006
elections, Randall Hough finished first, I finished second and Mike
Goodall finished third. Randy Hough is a Goichberg stooge, who never
votes against nor speaks publicly against Goichberg. Since only the
top two took office, Mike Goodall did not make it and I was the only
independent voice on the board.
We ran again in the 2007 elections, making an issue among others of
the missing $2 million and again the missing laptop. There were
thousands of so-called “Fake Sam Sloan” postings during this election
period, impersonating me. Goichberg and Hall knew that Truong was
doing this. I proved this at a confidential meeting of the board in
Closed Session held on August 14, 2006. Yet they allowed this
continue, giving Troung a secret account on the USCF Issues Forum from
which he could observe all the postings there, without it being
possible to detect that he was watching. From this secret observation
point, Truong was able to compose the “Fake Sam Sloan” postings, by
taking words I had actually posted on the closed USCF Issues Forum and
then modifying them to include obscenities and objectionable content
and posting this on Truong did this more
than two thousand times during the 2007 election campaign. He could
not have been able to do this had not Hall and Goichberg allowed him
to have a secret account on the USCF Issues Forum.
Another person who knew that Truong was doing this was Gregory
Alexander, because he was the moderator of the USCF Issues Forum.
Gregory Alexander was previously unknown in the world of chess. He has
never played in, organized or participated in any recognized chess
event. Yet, he suddenly appeared from nowhere with his website claiming to be the official organ of college
chess in the USA, whereas the real college chess organization is the
Intercollegiate Chess Association of America. The real college chess
website is which is different from ,
Alexander's site.
As moderator of the USCF Issues Forum, he was in the unique position
to know that Troung was secretly logged on all the time and therefore
that Troung was the one in a position to immediately take anything I
posted, modify it and post the modified posting over on . We believe that not only was Truong doing
this but Gregory Alexander was helping this because for a period of
several months leading up to the 2007 elections everything I posted,
night or day, on the USCF Issues Forum, was within minutes modified
and reposted to . Since everybody must sleep
some time, this means that the moderator, Gregory Alexander, must have
been directly involved in this. Appointing Gregory Alexander as
moderator of the USCF Issues Forum was like appointing the fox to
guard the hen house.
From this you should be able to see that Gregory has not complied with
the plea deal you have made with him. He has not leveled with you. He
has not revealed the full extent of his activities. We know that he
gave the information in Randy's Hough's email account to Susan Polgar,
because Susan Polgar broadcast it on . He
still has not told you what the deal between them was.
To give you an example, as you will soon find out, I am now locked in
a court battle against Guide Dogs for the Blind and Bank of America.
My friend Mike Goodall died in October 2010 and I have been appointed
administrator of his estate. Bill Hall and Bill Goichberg were able to
use that fact Goodall had died to keep me off the 2011 ballot, as he
would have provided the one vote I needed to be on the ballot. Now,
Guide Dogs for the Blind is claiming the right to the Goodall estate
that has, we believe, $2.5 million in it. Bank of America is allied
with Guide Dogs for the Blind in trying to get this money. We had a
court hearing on March 7 (last week) in San Francisco Probate Court
and have another hearing scheduled for tomorrow, March 19, in Marin
County Probate Court.
Guide Dogs for the Blind figure that if they can win either one of
their two court cases against me they will get the house and the
money. However, they have a problem. Their problem is that the wills
are forged. We can prove and will prove that the Goodalls did not sign
these documents. So, Guide Dogs for the Blind is trying to stop the
wills from being tested to determine authenticity. Meanwhile, Guide
Dogs for the Blind is aggressively sending teams of recruiters around
Marin County with their dogs inducing rich elderly people to sign
documents leaving their houses to them rather than to their children.
As a result, Guide Dogs has become the biggest property holder in
Marin County, all because of their tax exempt statue as a 501(c)(3).
They have accumulated $307 million in net assets and pay no taxes.
They want to add the Goodall House to their already large collection
of houses.
Between Guide Dogs and Bank of America they have seven lawyers
fighting me in the courts. Bank of America has three lawyers, Guide
Dogs for the Blind has two lawyers and James R. Hastings is two
lawyers. Yet, I have a winning case because I can prove and will prove
that the wills are forged and that Col. Goodall was in the hospital
and nearly comatose on the date that the wills were supposedly signed.
Now, if I were to break into the email accounts for the attorneys for
Guide Dogs for the Blind and Bank of America, that would yield
tremendously valuable and useful information to me. If you were to
catch me doing this, what would you say that the punishment should be?
Remember that I have nothing to gain personally from this case, just
as you say that Gregory Alexander had nothing personally to gain from
breaking into Randy Hough's email account. Would you say that the
penalty I should suffer for breaking into the Guide Dogs for the Blind
email account should be $25 (twenty five dollars) and a years
probation? This is what you are recommending that Gregory Alexander
should pay, even though the losses the USCF suffered because of the
baseless and frivolous Polgar lawsuit was $600,000? Or, would you say
that I should pay $3.7 million and spend 37 years in federal prison,
which is what Gregory Alexander was facing on the original charges,
and rightly so?
Not only is the penalty you are proposing for Gregory Alexander
ridiculously small, but he has not learned his lesson and he is still
doing it. Almost immediately after Gregory Alexander reached a plea
deal with your office which basically let him off the hook, a spate of
“Fake Sam Sloan” postings started appearing on . The term “Fake Sam Sloan” not only refers
to postings supposedly by signed by me but actually created by Gregory
Alexander and Paul Truong, but to postings supposedly by others
following the same pattern of pretending to be prominent chess
personalities. For example, they often refer to “Parking Court Judge
Jackass Lafferty”, a reference to retired Administrative Law Judge
Brian Lafferty.
At first it seemed just a coincidence that the re-appearance of the
Fake Sam Sloan postings came immediately after the deal you reached
with Gregory Alexander, but now it is clearly not a coincidence. After
the Mottershead Report came out that proved that Paul Truong was the
Fake Sam Sloan by matching IP numbers and by the fact that the origin
to the latest batch of Fake Sam Sloan postings was traced to a hotel
room in Mexico City Mexico where Susan Polgar and Paul Truong were
staying for the World Chess Championships and to a laptop owned by
Paul Truong, the fake poster started a new tactic. Thereafter, the
fake postings were put through anonymous remailers, including
especially . These remailers deliberately hide the identity
of the poster. When the United States Secret Service executed a search
warrant and searched the residence of Gregory Alexander in 2009, they
found anonymous remailing equipment. This proved that Alexander was
engaged in this sort of activity.
By the way, they often accuse me of being the Fake Sam Sloan or, in
other words, that I am impersonating my self. If you believe that, you
welcome search my premises at any time. You do not need a search
warrant. You can just come right in. I am right here in the Goodall
Mansion in San Rafael, where Guide Dogs for the Blind is trying to
kick me out by using forged instruments.
Among these new Fake Sam Sloan postings are a bunch of letters
supposedly written to the federal court judges asking for leniency for
Gregory Alexander and accusing me of being the real perp. I am now
asking the United States Secret Service and your office to investigate
these postings. I believe that they will be found to come from Gregory
Alexander himself or from persons closely associated with him. I
certainly did not write them and you are more than welcome to
investigate that possibility.
I am attaching some of these new fake letters that have appeared in
the last few days. One of them is supposedly from Randall Hough, who
is considered to be the prime victim of these break-ins. I am certain
that Randy Hough did not and would not write this letter. Another is
from Hal Terrie. Hal is no friend of mine, especially since he issued
his ridiculous report finding “ethical violations” on my part simply
because I reported accurately on the USCF Issues Forum that the USCF
was in financial trouble, having lost $2 million. Nevertheless, I am
certain that Hal Terrie did not and would not write this letter.
I do not know if these newsgroup postings were actually mailed by the
US Postal Service to the judges of your courts. I suspect that they
were not really mailed. Nevertheless, your office has the capability
to determine the origin of these letters and I request that you do so.
All of the above matters should be reconsidered and meanwhile the
sentencing of Gregory Alexander should be postponed while you study
these matters. The reason why Gregory Alexander and others like him
are getting off so easily, is it is considered that under current law
the setting up of "Phishing" websites such as that set up by Gregory
Alexander is not illegal. Yet, these websites are causing millions if
not billions of dollars in damages to the public. Every day thousands
of people fall into fake websites that appear to be the websites of
Google, Yahoo, Citibank, Chase Bank and others. People who
inadvertently fall into these traps log in using their real password
and real user name. Soon, some victims simply find their bank accounts
cleaned out. However, other schemes are more sophisticated, such as
the scheme by Gregory Alexander here simply to harvest the User ID and
passwords of USCF members and then to use that information for other
I hope that your office will look at the question of whether it is not
illegal for somebody to impersonate somebody else on the Internet
thousands of times. The fake posters keep pointing to a decision by
Federal Judge Denny Chin in New York who held that it is not a federal
cause of action to impersonate somebody thousands of times over the
Internet, even when it is done, as here, to influence the results of
an election. It was that, in my view, ridiculous decision by Judge
Chin that has in effect immunized these Fake Posters here from civil
or criminal prosecution and has encouraged them to make thousands more
of these fake postings, including some today. I believe that your
office should work to overturn that wrong decision by Judge Chin.
Very Truly Yours,
The Real Sam Sloan
Sentencing Memorandum Concerning Defendant Gregory Alexander, No. CR
09-00719 EDL
I am the principal victim of the offenses committed by Gregory
Alexander. Your memorandum says that you will consult with the
victims. However, you have not consulted with me.
I have made a point of staying out of this process, but now I must
comment on your misunderstanding of the seriousness of the situation.
Gregory Alexander was not merely a "volunteer moderator" as you say.
Rather, he was the owner of, that was registered
in the name of his wife Tatania. was a "Phishing"
website. This term is defined at
Phishing is a way of attempting to acquire information such as
usernames, passwords, and credit card details by masquerading as a
trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.
Gregory Alexander set up this Phishing website as a way to do exactly
that. He wanted to capture the user names and passwords of USCF
members. He set up a lot of different pages on this website with
forums, votes, polls and other features that USCF members and
officials would find interesting. He then got himself appointed by
Bill Goichberg and Bill Hall as a moderator for the USCF Issues Forum. He was appointed as
moderator there by Goichberg and Hall there to attack me. From his
position as moderator of the USCF Issues Forum, Alexander could lure
and attract readers to which he owned. From there
he could steal the passwords and user names of USCF members, relying
on the fact that, out of laziness, many Internet users use the same
user name and password over and over again.
Armed with the user names and passwords of a large number of USCF
members, Alexander then proceeded to test them out on a large number
of other websites such as He struck paydirt when he found
that one USCF official, Randy Hough, used the same user name and
password on Yahoo as he did on
His whole reason for doing this was not idle curiosity. It was to gain
control of the United States Chess Federation, which has $3.5 million
in annual revenues. He was part of a team along with Susan Polgar and
Paul Truong to gain control of the USCF's financial assets. The USCF
had $3.5 million in annual revenues and about 80,000 members. There
are 600,000 chess players with USCF ratings. These resources had been
targeted by Polgar, Truong and Alexander. Susan Polgar is a famous
chess grandmaster, but she has no education. She never went to school
a day in her life. She was trained from the age of 4 to be a
professional chess player. Susan Polgar was required by her parents to
study chess 10-12 hours every day from age 4 until she reached legal
age. I know this because I lived in the Polgar home in Budapest for
some time in 1986. The result is a person who knows everything about
chess, but who lacks the most basic common knowledge of other basic
Susan Polgar had the simplistic idea that all she had to do was gain
control of the USCF and the $3.5 million per year would be hers. She
did not have even the most basic understanding of the way that
corporations work. I know this because for a time I was not only her
best friend, I was her only friend. I could not understand why
everybody else in the world of chess who knew her personally hated her
so much. Her claims that they were simply jealous of her chess playing
ability and hated her for that reason or because she was Jewish seemed
difficult to believe. Susan Polgar still today constantly plays the
victim card, claiming that she is the victim of invidious
discrimination, whereas in reality she is the most over-promoted chess
personality in world history, with the fewest real accomplishments.
For example, she constantly claims to have won the world chess
championship four times, whereas she really only won it once, and she
claims to have won the “Grand Slam” in chess, whereas there is no such
event or title.
Because Susan Polgar lacked the most basic common knowledge of how
anything works, she needed a technical expert to help her take over
the USCF. That technical expertise was provided by Gregory Alexander.
Your memorandum is entirely wrong when is says on page 5 that Gregory
Alexander “did not use his unauthorized access for personal financial
gain”. In reality, Alexander was involved in a corporate take-over
attempt. His partners were Susan Polgar and Paul Truong. This take-
over attempt very nearly succeeded. It was almost a miracle that it
failed. The Polgar slate swept the 2007 elections, gaining all four
seats on a seven member board. The only reason that Polgar did not
complete her takeover was that one member of her slate, Randy Bauer,
defected and went over to the Goichberg side. Later, Polgar got
another board member, Joel Channing, to switch his allegiance, so she
was again only one vote away from gaining complete control of the
USCF. However, the other members of the Goichberg group forced
Channing to resign from the board.
Polgar filed an entirely baseless lawsuit entitled Susan Polgar vs.
USCF. In this lawsuit, she trotted out the same basic allegations she
has always used to gain publicity for herself since she was a kid,
which are that she is a victim of discrimination because she is a poor
foreign-born Jewish girl and such a good chess player (even though she
has not played a rated game of chess in years). Her complaint alleged
that in furtherance of this conspiracy against her, the USCF
defendants only put her picture on the cover of Chess Life magazine
one time, whereas she really deserved to have her picture on the cover
of Chess Life more times than that.
Among the many people she sued in this baseless lawsuit were Randall
Hough, Brian Lafferty and myself. She never told us what we were
accused of doing or not doing and we still do not know. For example, I
had nothing to do with the decision to put her picture on the cover of
Chess Life only one time. To this day, none of know why she sued us.
It was to gain strategic advantages in this lawsuit that Susan Polgar
got Gregory Alexander to invade the Yahoo email account of Randall
Hough, not because she was specifically targeting him, but because he
was the only board member stupid enough to use the same user name and
password on that he was using on .
Susan Polgar then inadvisedly broadcast the confidential information
she had obtained from Gregory Alexander who had gotten it from Randall
Hough's email account by posting it on the Google newsgroup She did it to gain public sympathy for
herself and prove her claims that she is a victim of this vast
conspiracy. However, it also had the consequence of alerting the board
and the USCF's attorney Karl Kronenberger that somebody had gained
unauthorized access to the confidential emails he had been sending to
the board members excluding Polgar and Truong. This started the long
process involving the issuance of subpoenas to Yahoo and other
Internet groups, including the service providers for each of the board
members, to find out where the leak had come from. Finally, they were
able to establish that Gregory Alexander had gained these documents by
invading Randall's Hough's email account, and then had given them to
Susan Polgar.
So, for you to say that Alexander had nothing personally to gain from
this is ridiculous. He was seeking to gain and nearly did gain control
over to the United States Chess Federation.
Also, for you to consult with only Bill Hall and Goichberg is
inappropriate, as they were partners with Polgar, Truong and Alexander
until January 2008, when they broke with her after the USCF's attorney
Proskauer Rose refused to defend further Polgar and Truong after
Proskauer discovered a fact that Goichberg and Hall already knew,
which was that Truong was “The Fake Sam Sloan”. Goichberg and Hall
were using Alexander, Polgar and Truong to attack me and Mike Goodall,
because we were complaining that the USCF had lost $2 million dollars
because of Goichberg and Hall. Goichberg and Hall were trying to cover
up these losses. In furtherance of this conspiracy, they allowed
Polgar and Truong to get away with stealing the USCF's laptop computer
which contained all of the USCF's financial information. This laptop
computer was stolen from the USCF's office in New Windsor New York.
Polgar and Troung have admitted to taking it. Because of the missing
laptop and the unavailability of the financial data that it contained,
it has proven impossible to reconstruct what happened to the missing
$2 million dollars.
To explain by way of analogy and also to give you information that you
will soon find out anyway, there was a third group contesting the USCF
elections, that consisting of Mike Goodall and myself. In the 2006
elections, Randall Hough finished first, I finished second and Mike
Goodall finished third. Randy Hough is a Goichberg stooge, who never
votes against nor speaks publicly against Goichberg. Since only the
top two took office, Mike Goodall did not make it and I was the only
independent voice on the board.
We ran again in the 2007 elections, making an issue among others of
the missing $2 million and again the missing laptop. There were
thousands of so-called “Fake Sam Sloan” postings during this election
period, impersonating me. Goichberg and Hall knew that Truong was
doing this. I proved this at a confidential meeting of the board in
Closed Session held on August 14, 2006. Yet they allowed this
continue, giving Troung a secret account on the USCF Issues Forum from
which he could observe all the postings there, without it being
possible to detect that he was watching. From this secret observation
point, Truong was able to compose the “Fake Sam Sloan” postings, by
taking words I had actually posted on the closed USCF Issues Forum and
then modifying them to include obscenities and objectionable content
and posting this on Truong did this more
than two thousand times during the 2007 election campaign. He could
not have been able to do this had not Hall and Goichberg allowed him
to have a secret account on the USCF Issues Forum.
Another person who knew that Truong was doing this was Gregory
Alexander, because he was the moderator of the USCF Issues Forum.
Gregory Alexander was previously unknown in the world of chess. He has
never played in, organized or participated in any recognized chess
event. Yet, he suddenly appeared from nowhere with his website claiming to be the official organ of college
chess in the USA, whereas the real college chess organization is the
Intercollegiate Chess Association of America. The real college chess
website is which is different from ,
Alexander's site.
As moderator of the USCF Issues Forum, he was in the unique position
to know that Troung was secretly logged on all the time and therefore
that Troung was the one in a position to immediately take anything I
posted, modify it and post the modified posting over on . We believe that not only was Truong doing
this but Gregory Alexander was helping this because for a period of
several months leading up to the 2007 elections everything I posted,
night or day, on the USCF Issues Forum, was within minutes modified
and reposted to . Since everybody must sleep
some time, this means that the moderator, Gregory Alexander, must have
been directly involved in this. Appointing Gregory Alexander as
moderator of the USCF Issues Forum was like appointing the fox to
guard the hen house.
From this you should be able to see that Gregory has not complied with
the plea deal you have made with him. He has not leveled with you. He
has not revealed the full extent of his activities. We know that he
gave the information in Randy's Hough's email account to Susan Polgar,
because Susan Polgar broadcast it on . He
still has not told you what the deal between them was.
To give you an example, as you will soon find out, I am now locked in
a court battle against Guide Dogs for the Blind and Bank of America.
My friend Mike Goodall died in October 2010 and I have been appointed
administrator of his estate. Bill Hall and Bill Goichberg were able to
use that fact Goodall had died to keep me off the 2011 ballot, as he
would have provided the one vote I needed to be on the ballot. Now,
Guide Dogs for the Blind is claiming the right to the Goodall estate
that has, we believe, $2.5 million in it. Bank of America is allied
with Guide Dogs for the Blind in trying to get this money. We had a
court hearing on March 7 (last week) in San Francisco Probate Court
and have another hearing scheduled for tomorrow, March 19, in Marin
County Probate Court.
Guide Dogs for the Blind figure that if they can win either one of
their two court cases against me they will get the house and the
money. However, they have a problem. Their problem is that the wills
are forged. We can prove and will prove that the Goodalls did not sign
these documents. So, Guide Dogs for the Blind is trying to stop the
wills from being tested to determine authenticity. Meanwhile, Guide
Dogs for the Blind is aggressively sending teams of recruiters around
Marin County with their dogs inducing rich elderly people to sign
documents leaving their houses to them rather than to their children.
As a result, Guide Dogs has become the biggest property holder in
Marin County, all because of their tax exempt statue as a 501(c)(3).
They have accumulated $307 million in net assets and pay no taxes.
They want to add the Goodall House to their already large collection
of houses.
Between Guide Dogs and Bank of America they have seven lawyers
fighting me in the courts. Bank of America has three lawyers, Guide
Dogs for the Blind has two lawyers and James R. Hastings is two
lawyers. Yet, I have a winning case because I can prove and will prove
that the wills are forged and that Col. Goodall was in the hospital
and nearly comatose on the date that the wills were supposedly signed.
Now, if I were to break into the email accounts for the attorneys for
Guide Dogs for the Blind and Bank of America, that would yield
tremendously valuable and useful information to me. If you were to
catch me doing this, what would you say that the punishment should be?
Remember that I have nothing to gain personally from this case, just
as you say that Gregory Alexander had nothing personally to gain from
breaking into Randy Hough's email account. Would you say that the
penalty I should suffer for breaking into the Guide Dogs for the Blind
email account should be $25 (twenty five dollars) and a years
probation? This is what you are recommending that Gregory Alexander
should pay, even though the losses the USCF suffered because of the
baseless and frivolous Polgar lawsuit was $600,000? Or, would you say
that I should pay $3.7 million and spend 37 years in federal prison,
which is what Gregory Alexander was facing on the original charges,
and rightly so?
Not only is the penalty you are proposing for Gregory Alexander
ridiculously small, but he has not learned his lesson and he is still
doing it. Almost immediately after Gregory Alexander reached a plea
deal with your office which basically let him off the hook, a spate of
“Fake Sam Sloan” postings started appearing on . The term “Fake Sam Sloan” not only refers
to postings supposedly by signed by me but actually created by Gregory
Alexander and Paul Truong, but to postings supposedly by others
following the same pattern of pretending to be prominent chess
personalities. For example, they often refer to “Parking Court Judge
Jackass Lafferty”, a reference to retired Administrative Law Judge
Brian Lafferty.
At first it seemed just a coincidence that the re-appearance of the
Fake Sam Sloan postings came immediately after the deal you reached
with Gregory Alexander, but now it is clearly not a coincidence. After
the Mottershead Report came out that proved that Paul Truong was the
Fake Sam Sloan by matching IP numbers and by the fact that the origin
to the latest batch of Fake Sam Sloan postings was traced to a hotel
room in Mexico City Mexico where Susan Polgar and Paul Truong were
staying for the World Chess Championships and to a laptop owned by
Paul Truong, the fake poster started a new tactic. Thereafter, the
fake postings were put through anonymous remailers, including
especially . These remailers deliberately hide the identity
of the poster. When the United States Secret Service executed a search
warrant and searched the residence of Gregory Alexander in 2009, they
found anonymous remailing equipment. This proved that Alexander was
engaged in this sort of activity.
By the way, they often accuse me of being the Fake Sam Sloan or, in
other words, that I am impersonating my self. If you believe that, you
welcome search my premises at any time. You do not need a search
warrant. You can just come right in. I am right here in the Goodall
Mansion in San Rafael, where Guide Dogs for the Blind is trying to
kick me out by using forged instruments.
Among these new Fake Sam Sloan postings are a bunch of letters
supposedly written to the federal court judges asking for leniency for
Gregory Alexander and accusing me of being the real perp. I am now
asking the United States Secret Service and your office to investigate
these postings. I believe that they will be found to come from Gregory
Alexander himself or from persons closely associated with him. I
certainly did not write them and you are more than welcome to
investigate that possibility.
I am attaching some of these new fake letters that have appeared in
the last few days. One of them is supposedly from Randall Hough, who
is considered to be the prime victim of these break-ins. I am certain
that Randy Hough did not and would not write this letter. Another is
from Hal Terrie. Hal is no friend of mine, especially since he issued
his ridiculous report finding “ethical violations” on my part simply
because I reported accurately on the USCF Issues Forum that the USCF
was in financial trouble, having lost $2 million. Nevertheless, I am
certain that Hal Terrie did not and would not write this letter.
I do not know if these newsgroup postings were actually mailed by the
US Postal Service to the judges of your courts. I suspect that they
were not really mailed. Nevertheless, your office has the capability
to determine the origin of these letters and I request that you do so.
All of the above matters should be reconsidered and meanwhile the
sentencing of Gregory Alexander should be postponed while you study
these matters. The reason why Gregory Alexander and others like him
are getting off so easily, is it is considered that under current law
the setting up of "Phishing" websites such as that set up by Gregory
Alexander is not illegal. Yet, these websites are causing millions if
not billions of dollars in damages to the public. Every day thousands
of people fall into fake websites that appear to be the websites of
Google, Yahoo, Citibank, Chase Bank and others. People who
inadvertently fall into these traps log in using their real password
and real user name. Soon, some victims simply find their bank accounts
cleaned out. However, other schemes are more sophisticated, such as
the scheme by Gregory Alexander here simply to harvest the User ID and
passwords of USCF members and then to use that information for other
I hope that your office will look at the question of whether it is not
illegal for somebody to impersonate somebody else on the Internet
thousands of times. The fake posters keep pointing to a decision by
Federal Judge Denny Chin in New York who held that it is not a federal
cause of action to impersonate somebody thousands of times over the
Internet, even when it is done, as here, to influence the results of
an election. It was that, in my view, ridiculous decision by Judge
Chin that has in effect immunized these Fake Posters here from civil
or criminal prosecution and has encouraged them to make thousands more
of these fake postings, including some today. I believe that your
office should work to overturn that wrong decision by Judge Chin.
Very Truly Yours,
The Real Sam Sloan