micky & google translated into english from real russian the following:
When Einstein in the early XX century, developed his theory of general
relativity (GR), which is thought that came to success , other
physicists showed him a large fig , invented quantum mechanics. From the
beginning, Einstein took her in arms (though he was at the forefront,
and, importantly, it was Nobel Prize for quantum solution to the
photoelectric effect) - and, as it later turned out, not without reason:
it turned out that general relativity and quantum mechanics are
fundamentally incompatible, and ignore each other. In applying the
equations of general relativity on large scales (ie, the description of
planets, stars, galaxies, you ) all normul - experiments fully confirmed
the correctness of the theory. In turn, quantum mechanics works fine on
a microscopic scale, dealing with elementary particles - also repeatedly
proved by experiments. But it is worth trying to use both at the same
time wonderful theory to describe, for example, the interaction of
elementary particles or what happens in black holes, they give
conflicting results , and worse than that - the values ??obtained
obviously absurd. It is caused by the fact that general relativity
considers the structure of space-time is smooth ("empty"), whereas from
the point of view of quantum mechanics, such a thing as "empty space"
does not exist: in any region of space at a microscopic scale is active
action - so-called quantum fluctuations. Also, in general relativity
space-time is actively involved in the interactions of bodies (see the
analogy with the rubber sheet ), and in the quantum theory it is - just
a container for the particles.
This problem has spoiled the blood of many physicists in the twentieth
century: on the one hand, both respected theory sort of true, but on the
other hand, there is the classic problem of a snake and a hedgehog,
haunting physicists since the last century. Some individuals have
pretended that everything is as it should be , and every theory is good
within the limits of its applicability, and demand more from them is not
necessary. But others did not like it somehow. "What are we doing
wrong?" - Think of physics, fuming in the laboratory, but the answer is
not taking shape, because the problem was of such magnitude that there's
not a high quality grass is unable to help, and a man whose brain was
solid instead of grass , by the time was over, and could do nothing to a
hand. So it went on for a while until all the same did not have enough
uporotye frames.