you are completely twisting his statements here
Accusation of twist from person named Spin.... mmmmm.... mmmmm.....
Pay no heeds to Spinrad. Does he endorse kiddie-fucking, provided at
least one of the parents of the kiddie-victim voted "Repugnican"? He
supported open legalized execution of all people who voted against
his hero the inventor-of-internet Al Gore, or not? Admit or deny,
Spinrad, leftwing, bigoted, commie-loving Sloan-apologist that you be.
Spinrad derive his inside knowledge of cheating, from he was threaten
to be expelled for severe cheating, online/academic. He is the fraud
with no knowledge of anything. He is Spin-rad by name and Spin by
nature nurture, puerile closed mind, vacuous thoughts, fantasies he
is defending underdog, when reality he is masturbating frenziedly.
Complaint was long ago made to Vanderbilt that Spinrad was using the
Vanderbilt email to carry on unlicensed practise of psychiatry. He
was caught giving a diagnosis and treatment plan for Marcus W Roberts
of Georgia Tech, and even advise to him on suicide, or goat-fucking.
Such a type can even derive pleasure if he goats some unfortunate
into taking his own life. Even today we do not know if Marcus Roberts
obeyed the instruction of Spinrad which is why MWR is 'disappeared'.
So it is to be expected that Spinrad support Sloan. Behind Spinrad's
liberal fesad, there lurk the authoritarian freedom-hater and person
who cannot engage in dialog or communality with womankind. Difference
is, Sloan is open about his megalomania, Spinrad cloaks his with lies.
Sloan puts in his courtfiling that he did not have five women chained
to beds in different rooms at the same time. Spinrad thinks about it
only, to try to get erection (the mission impossible for communist).
smrat-poster can encounter Spinrad for first time and be fooled. But
prior-knowledged know how to deal with Jerry, a few hard blows and
he Spins away, panicked for the scurrying human cockroach he emulates.
This is all perfectly reasonable.
To Spinrad, can we examine what is reasonable for Sloan to commit?
In the following two excerpts, Sam Sloan appears to defend Jefferson
Poland, with whom Sloan co-authored the book Sex Marchers, against
allegations of molesting a girl. In the first passage excepted below,
Sloan accuses the child's parents of being "obviously complici[t]" in
the molestation. In the contradictory second passage, Sloan accuses
the child's parents of themselves "abusing the child."
Sloan presents no evidence for the parent's complicity in Poland's
molestation or for his claim that the parents themselves abused the
daughter. Poland's curious choice of surname (see below) would tend to
suggest otherwise.
Poland is indeed a registered sex offender in the state of California,
as one may ascertain via
To verify Poland's colorful aliases, see & do a
national search (be sure to include CA)
LAST NAME "Poland"
FIRST NAME "Jefferson"
...then click on result (POLAND, JOHN JEFFERSON, AKA POLAND,
JEFFERSON [zip code 94109])
..then click on "Known Aliases." Here's the Federal Government's
The author of the following passage from an earlier version of the
Wikipedia article on Jefferson Poland was
<<In the early 1980s, Poland was charged with child molestation.
Apparently, a nudist couple, including David Irving and his girlfriend,
had entrusted Poland with the care of their daughter while they were
nude sunbathing on Black's Beach in La Jolla, California near San
Diego. Some time later, the nudist couple accused Poland of having
performed cunnilingus on their daughter while they were nude
sunbathing. Poland fled the country rather than face these charges. He
lived for five years as a fugitive in Australia until 1988, when he was
extradited back to America. In view of the passage of time and the
obvious complicity of his accusers, Poland probably could have
successfully fought the charges. However, by that time he had changed
his name legally to "Clitlick" and he preferred to plead guilty to the
cunnilingus charge. He served about nine months in San Diego County
Jail. Upon his release, he returned to live in San Francisco. He
turned over his archives to the Bancroft Library of the University of
California at Berkeley, where they are now available for public viewing
by academic researchers. Poland now lives in San Francisco, where he is
monitored as a registered sex offender. >>
On the Wikipedia talk page for the article on Jefferson Poland, (Sam Sloan)
<<I have not seen or spoken to Jefferson Poland since 1967. However,
based on what I have read, I strongly suspect that he was the victim of
a setup. In the years I knew him, I never saw him express any interest
in children. I never even saw him express much interest in adult woman,
except that he had a girlfriend, Holly Tannen, who followed him around
like a little puppy-dog everywhere he went.
Those were the glory days of sexual freedom. There was always a bevy of
naked hippie chicks laying around with their legs spread open waiting
for some guy to come along. I partook of these opportunities
frequently, but I never saw Jefferson have sex with a woman, although
there were plenty of available women around.
My guess is that the nudist couple were themselves abusing the child.
Then, they left the child briefly in the care of Jefferson, so that
they could come back and accuse him of what they had actually done. If
the San Diego prosecutor really had proof that Jefferson was guilty, he
would not have let him off with only nine months in jail.
Sam Sloan 16:38, 31 March 2006 (UTC)>>
Retrieved from ""
The following article by Jefferson Poland himself offers an account at
odds with Sloan's:
(reprinted for educational purposes from Nude and Natural 10.1)
by Jeff Poland
[*Prefatory paragraph by web editor Nikki Craft*]
What follows is Clitlick's article published in Lee Baxandall's
magazine. Baxandall used the article to shift the connection from the
naturists onto the nudists, when -- in this case -- the nudists
deserved to take none of it. Clitlick was a long time naturist. He
was a writer for Lee Baxandall and he was a long time free beach
and free love/sex advocate.
[*End prefatory paragraph by web editor Nikki Craft*]
I AM A RECOVERING PEDOPHILE. Every two weeks I receive injections
of a female hormone (medroxyprogesterone) designed to counteract my
testosterone, thus depressing my libido- a process known as "chemical
castration." I also attend weekly group psychotherapy sessions, in a
cognitive restructuring ("brainwash") program for sex offenders (mostly
incestuous fathers, step-fathers, and grandfathers).
My crime occurred in 1980 or earlier. Thru swinging, I had met a
ultra-liberal nudist family. The parents attended and hosted
adults-only orgies. The children went with them on nude camping trips
and visits to the nude beach. Although I was a self-described
pedophile, the parents allowed me to befriend their two children, a boy
and a girl, then around 7 and 8.
Most of my interaction with the kids consisted of innocent play,
usually nude. In addition, I fondled the girl's vulva and occasionally
performed cunnilingus on her. I never had erections in their presence,
nor did I ask them to perform any sexual acts on me.
I was romantically in love with my girl victim, although I
realized her feelings for me amounted merely to friendship. In my
fantasy I was her lover; in practice, her playmate.
My urge was driven by several factors: First, I genuinely enjoy
the company of children, more than most adults do. Second, I am unable
to maintain an erection with any partner (man, woman, girl, or boy)
which is a severe handicap in adult relationships; but no handicap with
children. Third, my ideal woman would be quite petite (like my mother,
who was only 5 ft. tall, and thin); so girls are attractive by being
short, and by having slender bodies and smooth skin. Fourth, I lack
attributes expected of an adult male (no job, no car, no dancing
ability, etc.); which makes it difficult to relate to adult women,
especially as I age; but kids don't care if you're old and poor; they
merely seek attention. Fifth, I am emotionally child-like and childish
I developed an elaborate rationalization ("stinkin' thinkin' ")
to justify my behavior. I believed that sexual pleasure was inherently
good, and that some (not all) types of erotic play were age-appropriate
for children, such as masturbation, fondling, and nudity. If sex were
basically good, then sexual learning would begin as soon as the child
showed interest.(Precocity in music is praised; but sexual ignorance is
considered virtue.) I believed that my needs suited me to be an erotic
mentor to an intelligent child.
I believed that such relationships, with the knowledge and
consent of the parents, could become acceptable in advanced societies
such as Denmark or the Netherlands. And among avant-garde life-stylers
here. But I failed to worry enough about the reaction of the straight
I also failed to consider the extreme changeability of kids. One
can expect an adult to hold similar views from year to year. But the
views of children are continually changing-generally away from their
parents' views and toward those of their schoolmates. Thus nudist
children tend to become more prudish as they grow older, reflecting the
views of their non-nudist peers. A small child shares her parents' view
point, however unusual; while an older child or teen conforms to social
My victim's views have changed toward conventionality. The
problem of consent rearises: Will this activity be acceptable not only
today, but also next year when remembered?
My relationship ended around 1980, when my victim informed her
parents of our forbidden games. The police found out in 1983. I became
a fugitive until 1988, when the law finally caught me. In jail, quite
depressed, I attempted to cut off one of my testicles. Unfortunately I
I was charged with three counts of fondling and three counts of
cunnilingus. My victim was willing to testify against me. My lawyer
negotiated a plea-bargain under which I would serve a one-year county
jail sentence, and then be released on probation for 5 years. I pled
guilty to one count of fondling, and the other five counts were
If I violate probation, I can be sent to state prison for a 5-yr
sentence. Probably I wouldn't survive prison, as "normal" prisoners
harass and try to kill pedophiles; this is one way in which an ordinary
criminal can redeem himself.
My problem now is to complete probation successfully. The
chemical castration and cognitive therapy are prescribed by court
order. To associate with children or to go where children congregate, I
would need a chaperone an adult who knows that I'm on probation for
fondling. I am also required to obey all laws (except traffic laws);
which means that I cannot go nude at the nude beach, where nudity is
unofficially tolerated but technically illegal. (I am avoiding the nude
beach anyway, as I expect my former friends there would reject me now
as a convicted child-molester.)
I realize now how futile it is to try to explain my experiences.
Most people-including educated, intelligent, sexually-tolerant
people-view the pedophile as an insane rapist, whose motives are not
worth examining. While the ignorant would kill the pedophile, the
educated would incarcerate him for life in hospital or prison.
--Jeff Poland >>
Also refer to the related article
via the web repository at
Jefferson Poland does not defend his conduct. Why then does Sam Sloan
defend the conduct of the confessed child molester?
And why then does Jerry Spinrad champion the character of Sam Sloan
(himself a convicted felon, guilty of attempted child abduction and
a serial apologist for a convicted child molester)?
Here is some background about Sam Sloan, the man supported by Spinrad.
Dayawathie Rankoth was born and grew up in Sri Lanka. Her father died of
natural causes when she was 18. Her family was destitute. Having learned
about this state of affairs in some way, an American pedophile called Sam
Sloan, who had traveled to Sri Lanka for the purpose of procuring female
victims, came to her village and befriended her family. Sam Sloan was 42.
He convinced Dayawathie's family to let him take her to New York to take
care of one of his children (Sloan already had numerous children but was
judicially denied access to all but one of the female children). The
family were unaware of Sloan's proclivities and consented. Instead of to
New York, Sloan took the 18 year old to the United Arab Emirates, where
local laws and law enforcement in practise afford women, especially those
from third-world countries, no effective protection from sexual predators.
Sam Sloan enslaved Dayawathie. For a prolonged period, she was locked
within Sloan's house to be subjected repeatedly to sexual abuse including
but not limited to rape, sodomy, beating with belts, beating with sticks,
the introduction of bottles and other objects, including sharpened ones,
into her vagina and anus, genital mutilation with razor blades and knives,
oral rape, whipping, suspension, chaining and other forms of restraints,
denial of sustenance other than that obtained via the male organ of Sloan,
burning, scalding, the use of forcible enemas and many other forms of
torture. All this is supported by affidavits by Dayawathie. Much of this
evidence was withheld from court because Sloan also impregnated the young
girl, and the protection of the minor children of the "union" was seen as
the priority, as it was considered they would be harmed further should the
full evidence against their biological father be disclosed.
Eventually, her spirit was broken, and Sloan was able to move Dayawathie
to locations even more convenient to him.
With the help of some sympathetic state officials, Dayawathie managed to
escape to her homeland, having been forced to abandon her first and only
child - the result of rape by Sloan, However, Sloan followed her to Sri
Lanka and used his control over the infant boy (and a false claim that
the boy was dying from a kidney complaint for lack of a transplant donor)
to lure Dayawathie away from the protection afforded by her poor family.
Many complaints about Sloan had been lodged with various Ministries and
Departments of the government of Sri Lanka, all relating to his sexual
predation or pedophilia, and Sloan was compelled to enter into a form of
marriage with Dayawathie (it is unclear whether or not this was bigamous)
in order for her to get an exit permit. In those days, Sri Lanka, in dire
need of revenue in hard currency, turned a blind eye to sex tourism.
Sam Sloan now relocated Dayawathie Rankoth permanently to the United
States, where a second child was born and she was pregnant with a third
one. When the second child fell ill due to Sloan's neglect, a nurse at the
hospital treating him noticed injuries to his mother, Dayawathie, and on
hearing her story, made a detailed report to the authorities. Dayawathie
and her children were immediately taken to a Sanctuary for Families
shelter, whose location was kept secret from the pedophile rapist Sloan.
However, due to an error by Dayawathie, several years later Sloan managed
to locate her and by a combination of physical and psychological menaces,
abducted her two older children. Attorneys acting for Sanctuary for
Families had Sloan arrested and secured the children's return.
Approximately ten years later, with his daughter from this "union" now
having attained an age (14) when she held interest for him, Sam Sloan
lodged a perjurious petition applying for her custody. An order of
protection on behalf of Dayawathie and her minor children was sought,
and Sloan's petition for custody of their 14 year old daughter was
vigorously contested. Despite the introduction of forged evidence and
the commission of numerous acts of perjury by Sloan, who, as a serial
vexatious litigant with no respect for the truth, contrived to drag
matters over about 45 court appearances necessitating testimony
from numerous witnesses and a cross-examination of an expert witness,
a forensic psychologist.
Lansner and Kubitschek's counsel proved that Sloan had published material
on the internet showing that women enjoy rape and even a document which
explained how to rape any woman (how2rape.htm). It is clear who the
court believed because Dayawathie and the children were given an order of
protection, Dayawathie was granted sole custody and Sloan denied visiting
certainly does not make Sam a liar as your twisting of the account
would have it.
Jerry Spinrad
"Birds of the feather....." Good example for the higher academics,
morale standards of his paperfactory and degreemill. Provided the
child has one or more "Repugnican" parent, it is permitted for them
to be abused by the kiddiefucker, according Vanderbilt policy? mmmm.
Together with Sloan and Spinrad, here are some more expulsion choices
11099599 ZUKOFF, LEON
12197010 BROWN, LARRY A
12713319 FIGLER, ILYE
12724150 TOWSEN, JOHN
12924840 KAN, PENG FEI
13102976 JOSEPH, MITCH M
13553190 NICOLAS, JEAN
Stay tuned