Lies being published about me
(too old to reply)
2015-02-07 18:32:00 UTC
I almost don't believe what I am reading on the Google group.

No one can have any doubt who is behind these posts. But Paul must
have taken leave of his senses to even dare to do this, since Mr
Grimladi is a very powerful and influential man with real chances
of becoming our next President.

I never treated Honzagool badly, what I did to her is what she grew
to want me to do to her. Somehow Paul has got into contact with that
evil lawyer Mohammed bin Uttar (a man with many names) who turned
her against me, her only husband, and then went on to mastermind the
9/11 attack. Under the Sharia, the punishment for a man who turns a
wife against her husband is death by castratic amputation, not by
being burnt to a frizzle in a hijacked jet airliner. So Allah's will
was thwarted in this.

So what that it was my idea, and not that of Kronenberger Burgoyne,
to send the Parking Tickets Judge "Bruno" Lafferty to the door of
Zsuzsa's ex-husband? I was not the one at the doorstep, so it is
no cause for Paul contacting Honzagool's oppressor.

The only reason Paul isn't in jail is that the other fucking gook,
Chin, turned a blind eye to what Paul did, and looked for any minor
technicality to get him off the hook. What I wrote about Rong-Pha
Chin must have been correct. I am never wrong. If I am wrong about
Chin's motive, it must be jealousy that I was the last person to
successfully argue my case pro se before the Supreme Court, and win.

Neil, it is no use suing Paul because he is bullet-proof against
writs. The person to sue is someone else, someone who was on the
Executive Board of the USCF at the time Paul made those 2,450 Fake
Sam Sloan posts, and someone who was worth hundreds of millions of

Of course I mean Joel Channing.

I will write one more thing. The claim made that I sodomize my young
daughter every single night is a lie.

Haji Ismail Sam Sloan
2015-02-08 18:25:30 UTC
On Saturday, February 7, 2015 at 10:32:16 PM UTC-8, samsloan
Post by samsloan
I almost don't believe what I am reading on the Google group.
No one can have any doubt who is behind these posts. But Paul must
have taken leave of his senses to even dare to do this, since Mr
Grimladi is a very powerful and influential man with real chances
of becoming our next President.
I never treated Honzagool badly, what I did to her is what she grew
to want me to do to her. Somehow Paul has got into contact with that
evil lawyer Mohammed bin Uttar (a man with many names) who turned
her against me, her only husband, and then went on to mastermind the
9/11 attack. Under the Sharia, the punishment for a man who turns a
wife against her husband is death by castratic amputation, not by
being burnt to a frizzle in a hijacked jet airliner. So Allah's will
was thwarted in this.
So what that it was my idea, and not that of Kronenberger Burgoyne,
to send the Parking Tickets Judge "Bruno" Lafferty to the door of
Zsuzsa's ex-husband? I was not the one at the doorstep, so it is
no cause for Paul contacting Honzagool's oppressor.
The only reason Paul isn't in jail is that the other fucking gook,
Chin, turned a blind eye to what Paul did, and looked for any minor
technicality to get him off the hook. What I wrote about Rong-Pha
Chin must have been correct. I am never wrong. If I am wrong about
Chin's motive, it must be jealousy that I was the last person to
successfully argue my case pro se before the Supreme Court, and win.
Neil, it is no use suing Paul because he is bullet-proof against
writs. The person to sue is someone else, someone who was on the
Executive Board of the USCF at the time Paul made those 2,450 Fake
Sam Sloan posts, and someone who was worth hundreds of millions of
Of course I mean Joel Channing.
I will write one more thing. The claim made that I sodomize my young
daughter every single night is a lie.
Haji Ismail Sam Sloan
I did not write the above. I do not know who did. As there is no
mention of the World Chess Champion, it cannot be the usual suspect,
even though he wrote the original lies about Rong-Pha Chin so I would
lose my $25,000,0000 lawsuit.

But I am sure that if we all put our heads together, we can work out
who it is.

I forgot to add that at the Golden Gate Open in the middle of last
month, my first round opponent really did give me a Blessing. On move
24 he greedily played Nxh3 while instead had he played f6, I would
have been in big trouble.

Then if 25 gxf6? he simply recaptures and opens up the g-file for
his rook. If not, he replies Rh5 and gets his rook on the g file any
how, and that wraps it up.

After Nxh3 he was still winning, but I managed to swindle him and
equalised. Then after his Re7? on move 40, I was ahead if only I had
seen 41. Rb8 was better than Rd6. After that crisis, I was finished.

It all counts as another in a series of moral victories for me,
which as everyone knows, do not count.

I have decided to put chess analyses into my posts to prove it is
the real me. None of the forgers, like Brock and Bauer, are other
than very weak chessplayers.
2015-02-18 16:34:03 UTC
The below posting shows it was written by one of the Fake Sam Sloans. However, it almost certainly not written by Paul Truong this time because it makes derogatory comments about Truong and about his devoted wife Zsuzsa Polgar who now calls herself Susan. Strangely it mentions Randy Bauer. Bauer is known to dislike me but I doubt he would do this and Brock openly attacked me all the time and did not hide.

Whomever wrote this is a good chess player or else has good chess software because it correctly cites moves that I overlooked. Bauer proudly proclaims that he is rated 2300 (based on a fixed match) but he legitimately got his rating up to 2280 without cheating so he seems to be better. There remains the possibility that the unfortunate victim of a Voodoo Curse wrote this, who is now the prime suspect.

Sam Sloan

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Subject: The complaint about lies published about me is itself a lie

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On Saturday, February 7, 2015 at 10:32:16 PM UTC-8, samsloan
Post by samsloan
I almost don't believe what I am reading on the Google group.
No one can have any doubt who is behind these posts. But Paul must
have taken leave of his senses to even dare to do this, since Mr
Grimladi is a very powerful and influential man with real chances
of becoming our next President.
I never treated Honzagool badly, what I did to her is what she grew
to want me to do to her. Somehow Paul has got into contact with that
evil lawyer Mohammed bin Uttar (a man with many names) who turned
her against me, her only husband, and then went on to mastermind the
9/11 attack. Under the Sharia, the punishment for a man who turns a
wife against her husband is death by castratic amputation, not by
being burnt to a frizzle in a hijacked jet airliner. So Allah's will
was thwarted in this.
So what that it was my idea, and not that of Kronenberger Burgoyne,
to send the Parking Tickets Judge "Bruno" Lafferty to the door of
Zsuzsa's ex-husband? I was not the one at the doorstep, so it is
no cause for Paul contacting Honzagool's oppressor.
The only reason Paul isn't in jail is that the other fucking gook,
Chin, turned a blind eye to what Paul did, and looked for any minor
technicality to get him off the hook. What I wrote about Rong-Pha
Chin must have been correct. I am never wrong. If I am wrong about
Chin's motive, it must be jealousy that I was the last person to
successfully argue my case pro se before the Supreme Court, and win.
Neil, it is no use suing Paul because he is bullet-proof against
writs. The person to sue is someone else, someone who was on the
Executive Board of the USCF at the time Paul made those 2,450 Fake
Sam Sloan posts, and someone who was worth hundreds of millions of
Of course I mean Joel Channing.
I will write one more thing. The claim made that I sodomize my young
daughter every single night is a lie.
Haji Ismail Sam Sloan
I did not write the above. I do not know who did. As there is no

mention of the World Chess Champion, it cannot be the usual suspect,

even though he wrote the original lies about Rong-Pha Chin so I would

lose my $25,000,0000 lawsuit.

But I am sure that if we all put our heads together, we can work out

who it is.

I forgot to add that at the Golden Gate Open in the middle of last

month, my first round opponent really did give me a Blessing. On move

24 he greedily played Nxh3 while instead had he played f6, I would

have been in big trouble.

Then if 25 gxf6? he simply recaptures and opens up the g-file for

his rook. If not, he replies Rh5 and gets his rook on the g file any

how, and that wraps it up.

After Nxh3 he was still winning, but I managed to swindle him and

equalised. Then after his Re7? on move 40, I was ahead if only I had

seen 41. Rb8 was better than Rd6. After that crisis, I was finished.

It all counts as another in a series of moral victories for me,

which as everyone knows, do not count.

I have decided to put chess analyses into my posts to prove it is

the real me. None of the forgers, like Brock and Bauer, are other

than very weak chessplayers.

Continue reading on narkive: