Fritz Wuehler wrote in message news:***
I too have been forged. Very funny whoever you are.
Post by adminWarnings that impersonation was not permissible
were ignored, so gateways too are shut. No more
reviews. Sorry for the interruption, the normal
service is resumed.
Really? Again? It didn't seem to work the last time you made this=20
Was it me?
Let's see if you've really stopped anon opsting here. Let's send=20
Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.
Consider that to be done, with a 20 inch monkeywrench.
Posts to rgc* through the 4 functioning M2Ns that have
custom from:s will automatically result in my DtR-type
bot generating a control cancel: post in seconds and a
cc: to *** Some anonposts may get lucky and
survive. Most will not. In the past week, 10 anonposts
to rgc*, with custom from:, were deleted before google
scooped them, 0 survived. Sounds like it is effective.
Your post did not use a custom from:, so it survived.
PS - And Sam slaon is an asshole. Thank you and good night.
Sam may, or may not, be an asshole. That is not for me
to judge. It is not relevant to this issue. I have no
dogs in this fight, but have been on and off following
the fiasco for a few years out of curiosity, so I know
enough about it to form opinions. If someone could put
here the logs of all IPs accessing the federation page this year, I probably
could identify ***, ***
*** and **** with certainty
one of them is not relevant, the other one (one person
behind 3 of these) needs to be caught, charged, tried
and jailed.
On the internet one finds this interesting posting log-
NNTP-Posting-Host: 30 Sep 2007 19:23:16 -0700(CALIF.)
NNTP-Posting-Host: 8 Oct 2007 12:47:22 -0700 (M.I.T.)
NNTP-Posting-Host: 8 Oct 2007 15:47:26 -0700 (CANADA)
NNTP-Posting-Host: 14 Oct 2007 02:23:29 -0700 (JAPAN)
NNTP-Posting-Host: 24 Nov 2007 08:29:48 -0800 (GERMANY)
NNTP-Posting-Host: 2 Oct 2007 12:42:38 -0700 (TEXAS)
NNTP-Posting-Host: 30 Sep 2007 22:41:11 -0000 (FLORIDA)
NNTP-Posting-Host: 20 Oct 2007 01:25:31 -0700 (CZECHIA)
NNTP-Posting-Host: 8 Oct 2007 23:01:03 -0700 (GERMANY)
NNTP-Posting-Host: 23 Oct 2007 19:29:50 -0700 (GERMANY)
NNTP-Posting-Host: 6 Nov 2007 03:31:24 -0800 (GERMANY)
NNTP-Posting-Host: 22 Oct 2007 02:25:32 -0700 (GERMANY)
NNTP-Posting-Host: 12 Oct 2007 22:21:07 -0700 (GERMANY)
NNTP-Posting-Host: 12 Oct 2007 17:37:47 -0700 (ITALY)
NNTP-Posting-Host: 13 Oct 2007 14:42:51 -0700 (GERMANY)
NNTP-Posting-Host: 6 Oct 2007 23:31:22 -0700 (FRANCE)
NNTP-Posting-Host: 16 Oct 2007 09:09:59 -0700 (FRANCE)
NNTP-Posting-Host: 14 Oct 2007 17:39:56 -0700 (BRITAIN)
NNTP-Posting-Host: 13 Oct 2007 23:00:24 -0700 (BOSTONUNI)
NNTP-Posting-Host: 9 Oct 2007 04:11:20 -0700 (TEXAS)
NNTP-Posting-Host: 18 Oct 2007 12:45:50 -0700 (CANADA)
It is the record for the Onion-peeling ChessMolesster.
The person who made this log did a lot of work, but she
was missing some key knowledge, so her conclusions were
wrong. If I can have the log for 319.htm access, I will
say more. Previous speculators wrongly thought it could
be B.L. - the "B." was right, but in the wrong position.
The Message-IDs that can help law enforcement are:
Then the anti-SP, PT, GA motivation may be very clear.
While my guess is that Fake Sam Sloans are made by many
unconnected people for many reasons, the worst of the
phase-4 Fake Sam Sloan posts or forgeries were made to
misdirect Sam Sloan and to maximize trouble for SPPTGA.
If only Sam Sloan could see beyond the end of his nose.
Confusing in his head his allies and his foes is not
something the World Shogi Vice-Champion should do.
Addressing now a >Minor< Fake SamSloan with a question.
Sam Sloan or supporters, what is the significance of an
anon-poster in IOWA? Surname beginning with H, ending
with N, but not one I had associated with chess or SS
/the good anonymous
/author-supplied-address: *** (disabled
due to abuse)
Leave out the custom From and I can't stop you posting your
crap. For pals in ap, who think this is censorship, this
is an example of the shit forged crap that was canceled:-
-------- CANCELLED POST 08D --------
Subject: Time has come for Sloan to be BANNED FOR LIFE from the USCF
From: [name delete] <***>
Date: April 3, 2012
Message-ID: <***>
[Forged headers omitted]
this is a singularly inappropriate time to make this particular
motion because of big developments going on
It is not up to you to decide when your victims decide to fight
I called opposing counsel to ask why on Earth he would make
this motion right now as opposed to any other time. It turns out
that opposing counsel was totally unaware of the important events
now taking place.
As if Mr Herman is obliged to or going to admit to you what he
does or does not know. On the Planet Sloon, not here on Earth.
he linked them to others including [two innocents named]
The two people who you named were the only people named. Your
"including" is a flat-out deception.
to testify against his co-conspirators
Fuckingstupid (as you were found as a matter of law by DJ Chin),
there was never any suggestion there was a conspiracy, except by
a shitheaded liar (you), so there could be no promise to testify
against any "co-conspirators".
The sentencing judge on this case, Judge Elizabeth D. LaPorte
...decided that in the interest of justice she would do nothing that
could assist a self-confessed kiddiefucker, and so sealed everything?
I know of no other reason why have not yet been arrested. Nor do we know why.
The USCF is hoping
to read your obituary. Very soon.
However, it seems likely that
...Sam Sloan is a moron and is wrong about everything, specially
about Alexander's intentions?
almost everything about this case took place in Illinois
which is why you are enjoining the State of Illinois to this action?
This letter explains in much greater detail exactly what the crimes
by Alexander consisted of
...and all the reasons why you Sam Sloan are soon going to have to
skip the country - or learn to carry soap on a rope. Your choice.
I suspect that they are waiting for arrests to be made that could
include some of the above named people or possibly all of them.
The only above named person who should be arrested is Sam Sloan.
I really do not know why Bill Goichberg and Bill Hall have been
going to such extreme lengths to
...demonstrate that they do not want the USCF associated with
kiddiefucking or a kiddiefucker? How unfuckingreasonable of them.
They certainly know that I would easily be elected in a fair
election because I am one of the best known chess personalities in
the world
Not yet. But you might be, after conviction.
the USCF has lost more than $2 million dollars twice plus was the same $2 million rubles. In Sloan Alternative Reality.
this stolen laptop contained the missing $2 million pesos
...hidden under the touchpad in 3 peso bills, all neatly folded.
opposing counsel made a number of misleading statements
...such as, "Sam Sloan is a total jerk", while really that is an
affront to every honest jerk.
I was not allowed to respond and then the judge said "This case
is over"
The judge was right. It is over, and you will not be permitted to
reopen it.
Opposing counsel said that I was guilty of latches
Too much to expect you to know it is LACHES, you idiot.
The answer that I was not allowed to give was that all Summer
long I had been calling the clerks morons
Little wonder the clerks ignored you, then.
Judge Schmidt made the absurd and ridiculous statement that his
court lacks jurisdiction to jail me for life
That is ridiculous, as you should be jailed for the rest of your
natural. We agree on this. Your life is full of judges making
absurd and ridiculous decisions, according to you. In this one
instance, youa are correct.
with all lack of any respect for the judge
Just as will be your planned web liables against Judge E. LaPorte?
the Press Release issued by the USCF Executive Director Bill Hall
that said that Susan Polgar and Paul Truong had been removed from
USCF Board by the order and judgment of the Sangamon County Court.
This is a direct lie. The PR did not say that. It said the decision
to resign had been approved by the Court. You are beneath contempt
for distorting this.
By the way, I wrote a book about this exact subject. My book is
entitled =93How to Take Over a Publicly Held Corporation=94
...and the relevance of that to a court deciding the composition
of the EB of the USCF is that there is no relevance at all.
Instead, I got a different judge who knows nothing
According to Sam Sloan, all his judges "know nothing". The Plain
Truth is that the judges know everything, which is why Sam Sloan
better consider using his forged identity documents and fleeing
to Rapistan before his crimes catch up with him.=20
they allowed Herbert Rodney Vaughn, an outspoken organizer of
anti-Sam Sloan groups, to come to the USCF's office
...which is a Criminal Offense in the Land of the Wild Sloon.
he must be fired on the spot for such an outrageous act
The death of Mike Goodall has an effect on the outcome of this case,
because Mike Goodall was adelegate and voting member. He died on
October 5, 2010. He was my best friend
You were not his friend, though, asshole. You betrayed him, you
made his last days unbearable, and you somehow got yourself to be
the administrator of his estate, which position you are abusing.
He died just after signing my petition
Some signature appeared on your copy of your petition, sure. And
then no more Goodall. Another one of those "coincidences", eh, Sam?
As your son wrote and has been copied to the Secret Service :
From: Peter Sloan <***>
Subject: Re: 'POLUTED' > Sam Sloan guilty of PERJURY, FORGERY, FRAUD.
Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2012 18:22:09 -0800 (PST)
X-Trace: 1329186129 8147 (14 Feb 2012
02:22:09 GMT)
Injection-Info:; posting-host=3D68.194.46.188;
X-HTTP-UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/535.7
(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/16.0.912.77 Safari/535.7,gzip(gfe)
X-Gm-Message-State: ALoCoQkU94gGuJ13L+Sih8J7rdyoqAk1PXI
How about Jessica Sloan figured out Sam had someone mail me a bad
check to close my Bank of America account and accused Sam and was
found beaten to death less than a week later.
WHEREFORE, for all of the reasons set forth above, it should be
judicially held that Sam Sloan is an idiot as a matter of law and
that he must be expelled from membership of the USCF and permanently
injuncted from applying to rejoin it or ever suing it again.
Oh, and Brain P. Laughingstock too.