Hasn't Polgar Been to the White House Ms. Suhay?
(too old to reply)
2012-04-18 10:54:37 UTC

Perhaps Ms. Suhay the "journalist" will take a stab at accuracy for a refreshing change.
Your smrat ®
2012-04-18 12:27:49 UTC
In this week's episode, entitled "Come Quickly Witless, the Game's a
Fool,'" Administrative Law Clerk Brian Laughingstock once again throws
off his powered wig and panties and dons a deerstalker to solve a
confounding internets mystery ...
Perhaps Ms. Suhay the "journalist" will take a stab at accuracy for a refreshing change.
Having failed to convince the judge in any of the civil or criminal
actions in which he has participated that Susan Polgar or any of her
cabal of nefarious chessplaying archcriminals has committed any
illegal or compensable act, our hero Brain Laughingstock is reduced to
stalking Susan Polgar's Facebook page like a deranged lovesick
teenager - am I the only one who suspects that he does his "research"
with one greased hand in his pants? In doing so he has discovered an
important clue: Susan Polgar has posted a picture of herself meeting
the president! Brain Laughingstock carefully saves the photograph in
the special folder he has on his desktop where he *ARCHIVES* the
important evidence he has discovered in his investigations. Later -
presumably after he cleaned himself up because you wouldn't want to
get Jergens all over the lens - Brain Laughingstock examines the
photograph with his official Dick Tracy magnifying glass and discovers
an awful truth: the photo is a fake. Susan Polgar used photoshop to
create a picture of herself meeting BHO at the white house, a meeting
that in fact never occurred. Suddenly Brain Laughinstock notices the
date on the photo: April 1. April Fools Day. Using deductive reasoning
skills honed through years of adjudicating parking disputes
Laughingstock quickly put two and two together. The photo is a hoax,
an April Fool's jape. It is, in a word, inaccurate.

Imaginne Brain Laughingstock crestfallen. He thought he'd finally
found the smoking gun. Instead, bested again by wascally Susan Polgar.
Fortunately there are always fat jokes and "scare quotes" to fall back
on. The latter ironic coming from one who thinks himself a "judge,"
but ATS irony is wasted on the stupid.

One final irony. Soldiers have Memorial Day. Workers have Labor Day.
Even trees have Arbor Day. And yet stupids like Brain Laughingstock
labor in obscurity and anonymity. Justice dictates that they too have
a day to celebrate their accomplishments But Fools Day is taken and
on fools day fools are nearly taken in.
2012-04-18 13:34:44 UTC
It appears the sarcasim flew over the Rats head. Look at the date of the Polgar blog entry.
Your smrat ®
2012-04-18 13:58:39 UTC
Suddenly Brain Laughinstock notices the date
on the photo: April 1. April Fools Day. Using deductive
reasoning skills honed through years of adjudicating
parking disputes Laughingstock quickly put two and
two together. The photo is a hoax,
an April Fool's jape.
 It appears the sarcasim flew over the Rats head. Look at the date of the Polgar blog entry.
Cura te ipsum, refuckingtard.
2012-04-18 14:11:33 UTC
Post by Your smrat ®
Suddenly Brain Laughinstock notices the date
on the photo: April 1. April Fools Day. Using deductive
reasoning skills honed through years of adjudicating
parking disputes Laughingstock quickly put two and
two together. The photo is a hoax,
an April Fool's jape.
 It appears the sarcasim flew over the Rats head. Look at the date of the Polgar blog entry.
Cura te ipsum, refuckingtard.
Of course she has met a sitting US President. However, I'm not certain the photo op was at the White House.
Loading Image...
2012-04-18 13:23:42 UTC
Thank you for sharing your "thoughts."
Lisa Suhay
2012-04-18 14:18:39 UTC
Perhaps Ms. Suhay the "journalist" will take a stab at accuracy for a refreshing change.
Once again, Mr. Lafferty want to thank you for my morning chuckle. I
do appreciate you proving my point for me by demonstrating your epic
failure in the accuracy department. It was in fact an April FOOL's Day
posting of the team with a cardboard cutout of The President at an
airport. So, journalistically, I think I'm still solid in the street
cred department. I believe we have a new Fool King to crown on the
jester board. However, I am going to withdraw from your little Fool's
Tournament because, while I do like to bandy wits, I never do battle
with the unarmed.
2012-04-18 14:53:34 UTC
Susan Polgar has posted a fake April Fools picture of herself with
President Obama.


However, I do not see the big deal. Even if she really had met with
him, what difference would it make?

What is a big deal is how Susan Polgar keeps making false claims about
her accomplishments.

For example, here is one she often makes:


"o Break the gender barrier to qualify for the Men’s World
Championship Cycle (1986)"

This refers to her tie for second place in the 1986 Hungarian
Championship. However, this was the weakest ever Hungarian
Championship, as no grandmasters played. Her tie for second did NOT
qualify her for the Men's World Championship Cycle as she finished
third on tie-breaking points, and only the top two got to go to the
Zonal Tournament. Also, she never played again in the Hungarian
Championship and this result from 26 years ago is not noteworthy.

Again and again, Truong and Polgar use this 1986 result to claim that
Polgar did not merely qualify to be one of hundreds to compete for the
world championship, but that she was actually denied the world
championship title because she was a woman. Here is one example:

"Troung spoke before the crowd Friday reminding those in
attendance of Polgar’s struggle to overcome gender adversity. The four-
time winner of the Women’s World Championship and five-time Olympic
Gold medalist Polgar was the first woman to break the gender barrier
in the game of chess.

"“No woman ever played at the level of the champion men before
Susan. She was told no to the number one title because of who she was
as a woman,” Troung said. “This wasn’t 100 years ago either.”"


So here Susan Polgar is claiming to have been the actual World
Champion, whereas in reality she was never even in the top one hundred
players in the world. This demeans the actual accomplishments of Judit
Polgar and Hou Yifan who really are in the top 100 players in the

The Real Sam Sloan
Your smrat ®
2012-04-18 15:30:28 UTC
Post by samsloan
What is a big deal is how Susan Polgar keeps making false claims about
her accomplishments.
Are her pronouncements more or less egregious than the time that Sam
Sloan announced that "Sam Sloan wins Silver Medal in World Memory
Championship" and yet failed to mention that he competed in a field of

2012-04-18 15:52:16 UTC
Post by Your smrat ®
Post by samsloan
What is a big deal is how Susan Polgar keeps making false claims about
her accomplishments.
Are her pronouncements more or less egregious than the time that Sam
Sloan announced that "Sam Sloan wins Silver Medal in World Memory
Championship" and yet failed to mention that he competed in a field of
True, but I really did win the Silver Medal.

Also you had to qualify or be invited to the event. It was not an open

Sam Sloan
2012-04-18 16:11:07 UTC
Post by samsloan
Post by Your smrat ®
Post by samsloan
What is a big deal is how Susan Polgar keeps making false claims about
her accomplishments.
Are her pronouncements more or less egregious than the time that Sam
Sloan announced that "Sam Sloan wins Silver Medal in World Memory
Championship" and yet failed to mention that he competed in a field of
True, but I really did win the Silver Medal.
Also you had to qualify or be invited to the event. It was not an open
Sam Sloan
Sometimes it pays to show up. About ten years ago I placed third in my age group at the bicycle time trial championships in CT. Only three in my category, but we had a good laugh about the value of being there.
Your smrat ®
2012-04-18 19:04:51 UTC
Post by samsloan
Also you had to qualify or be invited to the event. It was not an open
That's odd. In the thread in which you announced your glorious last
place silver medal finish you explained your pathetic showing by
saying that others had trained whereas

"By contrast, I was a walk-in. I attended this event essentially by
accident, as I did not know about it and was on my way to Beijing for
the Sports Accord event."


Can you explain how you qualified for or were invited to an event that
you did not know about and attended by accident?
2012-04-18 19:17:39 UTC
[quote="artichoke"][quote="jacklemoine"]Just a little point of
historical trivia: I saw a photo of the Polgars posing with George
Bush (the elder) at the White House some years ago.[/quote]
And I remember her boasting during the W administration (I have a
vague impression that it was shortly after "Mission Accomplished")
that she was going to a function at the White House.

Now she either forgot those highlights when saying she has never been
invited by a sitting President ... or at least the latter claim was
not exactly correct ... or she's the queen of sour grapes.[/quote]

I did not see this. Is she actually complaining that a sitting US
President has never invited her to the White House?

This would be a bit like her suing the USCF because we only put her
picture on the cover of Chess Life one time. That was part of her
lawsuit in Texas.

Sam Sloan
2012-04-18 14:55:12 UTC
Post by Lisa Suhay
Perhaps Ms. Suhay the "journalist" will take a stab at accuracy for a refreshing change.
Once again, Mr. Lafferty want to thank you for my morning chuckle. I
do appreciate you proving my point for me by demonstrating your epic
failure in the accuracy department. It was in fact an April FOOL's Day
posting of the team with a cardboard cutout of The President at an
airport. So, journalistically, I think I'm still solid in the street
cred department. I believe we have a new Fool King to crown on the
jester board. However, I am going to withdraw from your little Fool's
Tournament because, while I do like to bandy wits, I never do battle
with the unarmed.
Lisa, I think you missed my sarcasm. Of course it was an april Fools blog entry. But, your Queen has been photographed with a sitting US President. Perhaps you could use your "journalistic" skills to ascertain if the photo was taken at the White House.

Perhaps you could give us your thoughts on what Polgar did to Anna Hahn. Is Gregory Alexander lying or did the Queen commit perjury in Judge Cummings' court? BTW, it is unlikely that the US Attorney would allow Alexander's sentencing declaration to stand without comment unless the US Attorney had evidence on Alexander's hard drives to support the declaration.
2012-04-18 19:26:08 UTC
Perhaps Ms. Suhay the "journalist" will take a stab at accuracy for a refreshing change.
Once again, Mr. Lafferty  want to thank you for my morning chuckle. I
do appreciate you proving my point for me by demonstrating your epic
failure in the accuracy department. It was in fact an April FOOL's Day
posting of the team with a cardboard cutout of The President at an
airport. So, journalistically, I think I'm still solid in the street
cred department. I believe we have a new Fool King to crown on the
jester board. However, I am going to withdraw from your little Fool's
Tournament because, while I do like to bandy wits, I never do battle
with the unarmed.
Lisa, I think you missed my sarcasm. Of course it was an april Fools blog entry. But, your Queen has been photographed with a sitting US President. Perhaps you could use your "journalistic" skills to ascertain if the photo was taken at the White House.http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_Q0lTtPVTG40/Shxvz5HSfUI/AAAAAAAAvbc/LMhW6oa...
Perhaps you could give us your thoughts on what Polgar did to Anna Hahn. Is Gregory Alexander lying or did the Queen commit perjury in Judge Cummings' court? BTW, it is unlikely that the US Attorney would allow Alexander's sentencing declaration to stand without comment unless the US Attorney had evidence on Alexander's hard drives to support the declaration.
God you are retarded!!! You have got to be the most clueless person
that thankfully I have had the great pleasure NOT to meet. This case
has been SETTLED and YOU, Brian, Signed off on it. Alexander's
statements was probably carefully crafted by both his attorneys and,
it would not surprise me, Polgars' to intentionally "poison the
well". Your complaint will be bounced out of any court because a) You
were not and are not a member of the USCF BoD b) Your account was
not the one hacked. The lawsuit was between the Polgar's and the
USCF, and all cases were SETTLED and YOU AGREED to the settlement.
You can't go back now and say, "Oh we were tricked. They lied.
They.... ( fill in the blank )" Don't expect the USCF or its members
to think of you as some hero if by some slim chance you do succeed in
managing to unravel the settlement that was reached. Indeed I would
not be surprised if the USCF then does not sue YOU!!!! First I don't
see how you get any standing in any court to start with especially
since the principles -- of which you were not -- agreed to SETTLE. If
the PRINCIPLES agreed to SETTLE, you have no right to try and revive a
dead horse. This is NOT the grand "crime" you keep trying to make it
out to be, is a minor MISDEMEANOR hacking offense. Nothing more,
nothing less.

Do us all a favor: Go get some competent psychotherapy. The case is
OVER!!! Period!!! We are all sorry if Susan turned your advances down
-- because that is exactly what you come across as: a love sick
toddler, who the pretty woman pats on the head and walks away from.
NO one walks away from Brian Lafferty!!! You'll make her PAY by
God!!!! You'll teach her a lesson she'll never forget!!! It is time to
GROW UP Brian or Lafferty will become -- has become ?? -- a
Laughingstock. It is time to move on, everyone else has.
2012-04-18 20:27:24 UTC
Thank you again for sharing with us today.
2012-04-19 19:50:17 UTC
Post by BLafferty
Thank you again for sharing with us today.
Can't help but wonder if Bobcat doesn't have a dog in this fight that he is not telling us about. One wonders what and why.
2012-04-19 21:54:30 UTC
Post by None
Post by BLafferty
Thank you again for sharing with us today.
Can't help but wonder if Bobcat doesn't have a dog in this fight that he is not telling us about. One wonders what and why.
Sorry no dog in this fight. I simply hate stupidity masquerading as
superior knowledge. Every time I *think* about rejoining the USCF,
either I read about Sloan talking about filing another of his
countless lawsuits against the USCF which he purports he wants to
"save" -- sort of Munchausen by proxy syndrome. Then Sam wonders WHY
ADULT USCF memberships keeps falling.

Then there is Brian Lafferty. The USCF / Polgar lawsuits were
SETTLED, and he, Lafferty, agreed to the settlement, now since neither
of the Polgar's went to jail, and Gregory Alexander got sentenced to a
years probation -- just as I said he would in spite of Laugherty's
"Stay Tuned" posts -- since he did not get his pound of flesh, he
wants to unravel the settlement. As long as these two idiots are loose
I have NO intention of ever rejoining the USCF. The ONLY way
rejoin the USCF is if there is a Membership initiated vote to revoke
Sam's USCF's membership for LIFE, just as was done to the Polgars --
what's good for the goose should be good for the gander.

Every time one of these two FOOLS opens his mouth reminds me WHY I
walked away in the first place. If you all wants to keep spending the
MEMBERSHIP'S MONEY on defending worthless and trivial lawsuits, PLEASE
go right ahead... but you will do it WITHOUT MY MONEY!!!

Please carry on as you were. I enjoy reading the back and forth of a
bunch of FOOLS.
2012-04-19 22:15:40 UTC
Thanks for continuing to share with us.
2012-04-20 16:49:05 UTC
Post by Bobcat
Sorry no dog in this fight. I simply hate stupidity masquerading as
superior knowledge. Every time I *think* about rejoining the USCF,
either I read about Sloan talking about filing another of his
countless lawsuits against the USCF which he purports he wants to
"save" -- sort of Munchausen by proxy syndrome. Then Sam wonders WHY
ADULT USCF memberships keeps falling.
Then there is Brian Lafferty. The USCF / Polgar lawsuits were
SETTLED, and he, Lafferty, agreed to the settlement, now since neither
of the Polgar's went to jail, and Gregory Alexander got sentenced to a
years probation -- just as I said he would in spite of Laugherty's
"Stay Tuned" posts -- since he did not get his pound of flesh, he
wants to unravel the settlement. As long as these two idiots are loose
I have NO intention of ever rejoining the USCF. The ONLY way
rejoin the USCF is if there is a Membership initiated vote to revoke
Sam's USCF's membership for LIFE, just as was done to the Polgars --
what's good for the goose should be good for the gander.
With Sloan, who can argue. More sinister is the Polgar and Alexander crap. While many of the issues have been litigated and put to bed, others have now arose thanks to the confession. (ibid you the O.J. Simpson civile suit.)

To have a lawyer and former judge take an interest in all of this can only benefit the chess community. It is his kind of interest that makes the dregs think twice before taking their arrogance to court. I sleep better knowing Judge Lafferty is involving himself.
2012-04-22 04:37:20 UTC
Post by None
Post by Bobcat
Sorry no dog in this fight. I simply hate stupidity masquerading as
superior knowledge. Every time I *think* about rejoining the USCF,
either I read about Sloan talking about filing another of his
countless lawsuits against the USCF which he purports he wants to
"save" -- sort of Munchausen by proxy syndrome. Then Sam wonders WHY
ADULT USCF memberships keeps falling.
Then there is Brian Lafferty.  The USCF  / Polgar lawsuits were
SETTLED, and he, Lafferty, agreed to the settlement, now since neither
of the Polgar's went to jail, and Gregory Alexander got sentenced to a
years probation -- just as I said he would in spite of Laugherty's
"Stay Tuned" posts -- since he did not get his pound of flesh, he
wants to unravel the settlement. As long as these two idiots are loose
I have  NO  intention of ever rejoining the USCF.  The ONLY way
rejoin the USCF is if there is a Membership initiated vote to revoke
Sam's USCF's membership for LIFE, just as was done to the Polgars --
what's good for the goose should be good for the gander.
With Sloan, who can argue. More sinister is the Polgar and Alexander crap. While many of the issues have been litigated and put to bed, others have now arose thanks to the confession. (ibid you the O.J. Simpson civile suit.)
To have a lawyer and former judge take an interest in all of this can only benefit the chess community. It is his kind of interest that makes the dregs think twice before taking their arrogance to court. I sleep better knowing Judge Lafferty is involving himself.
Oh Riiiighhht: Good Ol' Judge Laugh-fart-ty. I too sleep better
knowing Judge Laughfartty is on the case. Where would we be without
2012-04-22 10:15:32 UTC
Thank you for sharing with us.
2012-04-22 20:35:49 UTC
'good anonymous', stop playing god, stop your whining and canceling!
Post by None
in spite of Laugherty's "Stay Tuned" posts -- since he did not get his
pound of flesh, he wants to unravel the settlement
It's deja vu all over again, Laugherty did the same thing to the cycling
Post by None
To have a lawyer and former judge take an interest in all of this can only
benefit the chess community. It is his kind of interest that makes the dregs
think twice before taking their arrogance to court. I sleep better knowing
Judge Lafferty is involving himself.
Too obvious.. even the Fool King and Ace Sleuth, wearing a deerstalker as
Crown, might detect sarcasm at this intensity.

Leaves a bad taste that two dirty old men, Spam and Laugherty, spend their
days stalking and obsessing over a dynamic, successful, young chess

To those asking for Spam and Laugherty to be expelled from the USCF -- you
are wrong. The issues forum wouldn't be the same without Spam. And as
Laugherty, you can't expel what did not belong in the first place.

So Spam knows we don't do anything behind his back - does anyone know if
Horton ever acknowledged the copy of Stan Vaughn's dossiere someone mailed
him earlier? Was the copy for Reed Smith marked for Ms Adornato's
quoting case PR1100596? If not, it needs to be done again. Guide Dogs
told it was coming. They won so far, but they know the Fake Administrator
the estate of Mike Goodall will be back. No need to mail BoA's attorneys
Jim, I've taken care of that personally. In my opinion, it is better for
litigants to dripfeed it to the court via their attorneys, than to mail
whole bundle anonymously to the judge, as was done previously so many
The risk is that some of Spam's material is so outlandish, so incredible,
the judge might dismiss it as a spoof, hoax, forgery or parody. Judge
is one who didn't dismiss it, which is why as soon as Spam gave him an
SM committed Spam to a lunatic asylum. But Spam was too crazy for the
so he got set loose a week later. Judge Chin took full note of the
but being higher up the judicial foodchain, DC was subtler in how he used
so giving Spam no valid grounds for appeal. Judges Patel, Chen and
likewise, and this is why GA got away with what Hal T described (I think)
a mere wrist slap. We hope GA is SUITABLY GRATEFUL!

Reworking the original ethics complaint into a still bigger dossiere paid
2012-04-23 01:04:26 UTC
Post by Y***@uscf.org
'good anonymous', stop playing god, stop your whining and canceling!
Post by None
in spite of Laugherty's "Stay Tuned" posts -- since he did not get his
pound of flesh, he wants to unravel the settlement
It's deja vu all over again, Laugherty did the same thing to the cycling
Post by None
To have a lawyer and former judge take an interest in all of this can only
benefit the chess community. It is his kind of interest that makes the dregs
think twice before taking their arrogance to court. I sleep better knowing
Judge Lafferty is involving himself.
Too obvious.. even the Fool King and Ace Sleuth, wearing a deerstalker as
Crown, might detect sarcasm at this intensity.
Leaves a bad taste that two dirty old men, Spam and Laugherty, spend their
days stalking and obsessing over a dynamic, successful, young chess
To those asking for Spam and Laugherty to be expelled from the USCF -- you
are wrong. The issues forum wouldn't be the same without Spam. And as
Laugherty, you can't expel what did not belong in the first place.
So Spam knows we don't do anything behind his back - does anyone know if
Horton ever acknowledged the copy of Stan Vaughn's dossiere someone mailed
him earlier? Was the copy for Reed Smith marked for Ms Adornato's
quoting case PR1100596? If not, it needs to be done again. Guide Dogs
told it was coming. They won so far, but they know the Fake Administrator
the estate of Mike Goodall will be back. No need to mail BoA's attorneys
Jim, I've taken care of that personally. In my opinion, it is better for
litigants to dripfeed it to the court via their attorneys, than to mail
whole bundle anonymously to the judge, as was done previously so many
The risk is that some of Spam's material is so outlandish, so incredible,
the judge might dismiss it as a spoof, hoax, forgery or parody. Judge
is one who didn't dismiss it, which is why as soon as Spam gave him an
SM committed Spam to a lunatic asylum. But Spam was too crazy for the
so he got set loose a week later. Judge Chin took full note of the
but being higher up the judicial foodchain, DC was subtler in how he used
so giving Spam no valid grounds for appeal. Judges Patel, Chen and
likewise, and this is why GA got away with what Hal T described (I think)
a mere wrist slap. We hope GA is SUITABLY GRATEFUL!
Reworking the original ethics complaint into a still bigger dossiere paid
Thank you for sharing with us this evening.
2012-04-22 21:24:59 UTC
'good anonymous', stop playing god, stop your whining and canceling!
Post by None
in spite of Laugherty's "Stay Tuned" posts -- since he did not get his
pound of flesh, he wants to unravel the settlement
It's deja vu all over again, Laugherty did the same thing to the cycling
Post by None
To have a lawyer and former judge take an interest in all of this can only
benefit the chess community. It is his kind of interest that makes the dregs
think twice before taking their arrogance to court. I sleep better knowing
Judge Lafferty is involving himself.
Too obvious.. even the Fool King and Ace Sleuth, wearing a deerstalker as
Crown, might detect sarcasm at this intensity.

Leaves a bad taste that two dirty old men, Spam and Laugherty, spend their
days stalking and obsessing over a dynamic, successful, young chess

To those asking for Spam and Laugherty to be expelled from the USCF -- you
are wrong. The issues forum wouldn't be the same without Spam. And as
Laugherty, you can't expel what did not belong in the first place.

So Spam knows we don't do anything behind his back - does anyone know if
Horton ever acknowledged the copy of Stan Vaughn's dossiere someone mailed
him earlier? Was the copy for Reed Smith marked for Ms Adornato's
quoting case PR1100596? If not, it needs to be done again. Guide Dogs
told it was coming. They won so far, but they know the Fake Administrator
the estate of Mike Goodall will be back. No need to mail BoA's attorneys
Jim, I've taken care of that personally. In my opinion, it is better for
litigants to dripfeed it to the court via their attorneys, than to mail
whole bundle anonymously to the judge, as was done previously so many
The risk is that some of Spam's material is so outlandish, so incredible,
the judge might dismiss it as a spoof, hoax, forgery or parody. Judge
is one who didn't dismiss it, which is why as soon as Spam gave him an
SM committed Spam to a lunatic asylum. But Spam was too crazy for the
so he got set loose a week later. Judge Chin took full note of the
but being higher up the judicial foodchain, DC was subtler in how he used
so giving Spam no valid grounds for appeal. Judges Patel, Chen and
likewise, and this is why GA got away with what Hal T described (I think)
a mere wrist slap. We hope GA is SUITABLY GRATEFUL!

Reworking the original ethics complaint into a still bigger dossiere paid
Your smrat ®
2012-04-23 02:18:11 UTC
Post by Y***@uscf.org
you can't expel what did not belong in the first place.
This is actually not true. I've heard that Richard Gere can shoot a
gerbil out his ass, accurate to nearly 20 feet.
Bill Graham
2012-04-23 23:19:58 UTC
Post by Your smrat ®
Post by Y***@uscf.org
you can't expel what did not belong in the first place.
This is actually not true. I've heard that Richard Gere can shoot a
gerbil out his ass, accurate to nearly 20 feet.
But gerbils belong in Richard Gere's ass.......
2012-04-23 19:46:50 UTC
'good anonymous', stop playing god, stop your whining and canceling!
Post by None
in spite of Laugherty's "Stay Tuned" posts -- since he did not get his
pound of flesh, he wants to unravel the settlement
It's deja vu all over again, Laugherty did the same thing to the cycling
Post by None
To have a lawyer and former judge take an interest in all of this can only
benefit the chess community. It is his kind of interest that makes the dregs
think twice before taking their arrogance to court. I sleep better knowing
Judge Lafferty is involving himself.
Too obvious.. even the Fool King and Ace Sleuth, wearing a deerstalker as
Crown, might detect sarcasm at this intensity.

Leaves a bad taste that two dirty old men, Spam and Laugherty, spend their
days stalking and obsessing over a dynamic, successful, young chess

To those asking for Spam and Laugherty to be expelled from the USCF -- you
are wrong. The issues forum wouldn't be the same without Spam. And as
Laugherty, you can't expel what did not belong in the first place.

So Spam knows we don't do anything behind his back - does anyone know if
Horton ever acknowledged the copy of Stan Vaughn's dossiere someone mailed
him earlier? Was the copy for Reed Smith marked for Ms Adornato's
quoting case PR1100596? If not, it needs to be done again. Guide Dogs
told it was coming. They won so far, but they know the Fake Administrator
the estate of Mike Goodall will be back. No need to mail BoA's attorneys
Jim, I've taken care of that personally. In my opinion, it is better for
litigants to dripfeed it to the court via their attorneys, than to mail
whole bundle anonymously to the judge, as was done previously so many
The risk is that some of Spam's material is so outlandish, so incredible,
the judge might dismiss it as a spoof, hoax, forgery or parody. Judge
is one who didn't dismiss it, which is why as soon as Spam gave him an
SM committed Spam to a lunatic asylum. But Spam was too crazy for the
so he got set loose a week later. Judge Chin took full note of the
but being higher up the judicial foodchain, DC was subtler in how he used
so giving Spam no valid grounds for appeal. Judges Patel, Chen and
likewise, and this is why GA got away with what Hal T described (I think)
a mere wrist slap. We hope GA is SUITABLY GRATEFUL!

Reworking the original ethics complaint into a still bigger dossiere paid
2012-04-23 20:04:28 UTC
Post by None
in spite of Laugherty's "Stay Tuned" posts -- since he did not get his
pound of flesh, he wants to unravel the settlement
It's deja vu all over again, Laugherty did the same thing to the cycling
Post by None
To have a lawyer and former judge take an interest in all of this can only
benefit the chess community. It is his kind of interest that makes the dregs
think twice before taking their arrogance to court. I sleep better knowing
Judge Lafferty is involving himself.
Too obvious.. even the Fool King and Ace Sleuth, wearing his deerstalker
his Crown, might detect sarcasm at this level.

Leaves a bad taste that two dirty old men, Spam and Laugherty, spend their
days stalking and obsessing over a dynamic, successful young chess couple.

So Spam knows we don't do anything behind his back - does anyone know if
Horton ever acknowledged the copy of Stan Vaughn's dossier someone mailed
him earlier? Was the copy for Reed Smith marked for Ms Adornato's
quoting case PR1100596? If not, it needs to be done again. Guide Dogs
told it was coming. They've won so far but they know the Fake
of the estate of Mike Goodall will be back. No need to mail BoA's
or Jim, I've taken care of that personally.
2012-04-24 01:08:00 UTC
Once again, thank you for sharing your "thoughts," such as they are. You should consider sharing with the main stream press. :)
2012-04-18 15:04:04 UTC
Lisa, to refresh your recollection of what Alexander said under oath in court, here is his sentencing declaration.

I am the defendant in the case of the United States of America versus Gregory Alexander. Unless otherwise stated, I have personal knowledge of the matters in the following statement.

As detailed in my guilty plea, I accessed the personal email account of Randy Hough multiple times between November 26, 2007 and June 24, 2008. During the time that I repeatedly accessed his personal email account, Randy Hough was a member of the U.S. Chess Federation’s board of directors. By gaining access to Hough’s email account, I was able to obtain confidential information related to a U.S. Chess Federation internal investigation of Susan Polgar and Paul Truong. I thereafter forwarded that confidential information to Susan Polgar and Paul Truong, despite the fact that Susan Polgar and Paul Truong were the targets of the investigation.

After I sent the stolen emails to Susan Polgar and Paul Truong, Truong acknowledged receipt of the emails. On multiple occasions they encouraged me to continue to gain unauthorized access to Randy Hough’s email account in order to surreptitiously [difficulty pronouncing word. Aided by counsel] monitor the investigation of them by the U.S. Chess Federation’s board of directors.

For example, on April 10, 2008, on the website, http://www.chessdiscussion.com, which is a website owned and controlled by Susan Polgar and Paul Truong, I received the following private message sent from the account of Susan Polgar:

By the way, I sent to the board a confidential letter about Hanken yesterday. Can you check and see if Randy H forwarded to Hanken? Thanks!

The words, “by the way,” were abbreviated as “BTW,” which is shorthand often used in familiar conversations [on message boards and in email.] (braked phrase remider to Alexander by counsel) It was my understanding that “Randy H” meant Randy Hough, a member of the U.S. Chess Federation’s board of directors.

I understood that this private message to be a request that I log into the personal email account of Randy Hough, without Randy Hough’s authorization, and view Hough’s email. I now understand that this was a federal crime.

It was my understanding that the private message was not a request that I check the Internet forum on the website of the U.S. Chess Federation. The request in the private message was a request that I gain unauthorized access to Randy Hough’s personal Yahoo! email account.

Due to the request from Susan Polgar’s account on April 10, 2008, I did actually log into Randy Hough’s email account, without the authorization of Randy Hough, and I viewed email in Mr. Hough’s account.

I have had contact with Paul Truong hundreds of times over the past five years, over the phone and through Internet communications, and I have communicated with Susan Polgar, mainly via email.