In this week's episode, entitled "Come Quickly Witless, the Game's a
Fool,'" Administrative Law Clerk Brian Laughingstock once again throws
off his powered wig and panties and dons a deerstalker to solve a
confounding internets mystery ...
Perhaps Ms. Suhay the "journalist" will take a stab at accuracy for a refreshing change.
Having failed to convince the judge in any of the civil or criminal
actions in which he has participated that Susan Polgar or any of her
cabal of nefarious chessplaying archcriminals has committed any
illegal or compensable act, our hero Brain Laughingstock is reduced to
stalking Susan Polgar's Facebook page like a deranged lovesick
teenager - am I the only one who suspects that he does his "research"
with one greased hand in his pants? In doing so he has discovered an
important clue: Susan Polgar has posted a picture of herself meeting
the president! Brain Laughingstock carefully saves the photograph in
the special folder he has on his desktop where he *ARCHIVES* the
important evidence he has discovered in his investigations. Later -
presumably after he cleaned himself up because you wouldn't want to
get Jergens all over the lens - Brain Laughingstock examines the
photograph with his official Dick Tracy magnifying glass and discovers
an awful truth: the photo is a fake. Susan Polgar used photoshop to
create a picture of herself meeting BHO at the white house, a meeting
that in fact never occurred. Suddenly Brain Laughinstock notices the
date on the photo: April 1. April Fools Day. Using deductive reasoning
skills honed through years of adjudicating parking disputes
Laughingstock quickly put two and two together. The photo is a hoax,
an April Fool's jape. It is, in a word, inaccurate.
Imaginne Brain Laughingstock crestfallen. He thought he'd finally
found the smoking gun. Instead, bested again by wascally Susan Polgar.
Fortunately there are always fat jokes and "scare quotes" to fall back
on. The latter ironic coming from one who thinks himself a "judge,"
but ATS irony is wasted on the stupid.
One final irony. Soldiers have Memorial Day. Workers have Labor Day.
Even trees have Arbor Day. And yet stupids like Brain Laughingstock
labor in obscurity and anonymity. Justice dictates that they too have
a day to celebrate their accomplishments But Fools Day is taken and
on fools day fools are nearly taken in.