Sam Sloan at the National Open Chess Festival in Las Vegas
(too old to reply)
2012-06-19 10:06:18 UTC
[Event "National Open"]
[Site "Las Vegas, Nevada"]
[Date "2012.06.16"]
[Round "02"]
[White "Sloan,Sam"]
[Black "Atoufi,Pedram"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A00"]
[WhiteElo "1920"]
[BlackElo "2297"]

1.g4 e5 2.d3 Bc5 3.Nc3 d5 4.h3 Ne7 5.Bg2 O-O 6.a3 f5 7.Bg5 c6 8.Qd2 f4
9.Nf3 h6 10.Bxe7 Qxe7 11.d4 exd4 12.Nxd4 Na6 13.O-O Nc7 14.Rae1 Qf6
15.e3 Bxd4 16.Qxd4 Qxd4 17.exd4 f3 18.Bh1 h5 19.Re7 Ne6 20.gxh5 Nxd4
21.Rd1 Nf5 22.Rc7 Nd6 23.Rd3 Bxh3 24.Bxf3 Bf5 25.Rd2 Rae8 26.Nxd5 cxd5
27.Bxd5+ Kh7 28.Bxb7 Re1+ 29.Kh2 Nxb7 30.Rxb7 Be4 31.Rxa7 Rh1+ 32.Kg3
Rf3+ 33.Kg4 Rg1+ 34.Kh4 Bf5 35.Rd3 Rg4# 0-1

[Event "National Open"]
[Site "Las Vegas, Nevada"]
[Date "2012.06.16"]
[Round "03"]
[White "Qi,Eric"]
[Black "Sloan,Sam"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "C40"]
[WhiteElo "2158"]
[BlackElo "1920"]

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 f6 3.Nxe5 fxe5 4.Qh5+ Ke7 5.Qxe5+ Kf7 6.Bc4+ d5 7.Bxd5+
Kg6 8.Qg3+ Qg5 9.Qf3 Nf6 10.h4 Qh5 11.Qg3+ Qg4 12.h5+ Nxh5 13.Qxc7 Be6
14.Bxe6 Qxe4+ 15.Kf1 Qxe6 16.d3 Bd6 17.Qa5 Nf6 18.Be3 Nc6 19.Qg5+ Kf7
20.Nc3 h6 21.Qb5 Rhe8 22.Qxb7+ Ne7 23.Re1 Qd7 24.Qb3+ Kf8 25.Qc4 Rac8
26.Qa6 Nf5 27.Bd2 Rxe1+ 28.Kxe1 Re8+ 29.Kd1 Ng4 30.Rf1 Nf6 31.Qc4 Qf7
32.Qc6 Qh5+ 33.Kc1 Be5 34.Nd5 Nxd5 35.Qxd5 Qf7 36.Qxf7+ Kxf7 37.c3 Bf6
38.Re1 Rc8 39.Be3 Nxe3 40.fxe3 Bg5 1/2-1/2

[Event "National Open"]
[Site "Las Vegas, Nevada"]
[Date "2012.06.16"]
[Round "04"]
[White "Xia,Yusheng"]
[Black "Sloan,Sam"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C40"]
[WhiteElo "2203"]
[BlackElo "1920"]

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 f6 3.Bc4 Ne7 4.O-O c6 5.Bb3 d5 6.Nc3 d4 7.Ne2 Bg4 8.Ng3
Qd7 9.h3 Be6 10.d3 c5 11.Ne1 Ng6 12.Nh5 Nc6 13.f4 exf4 14.Nxf4 Nxf4
15.Bxf4 Bd6 16.Bxd6 Qxd6 17.Bxe6 Qxe6 18.Qh5+ Qf7 19.Qxc5 O-O-O 20.Nf3
Rhe8 21.b4 a6 22.a4 Kb8 23.b5 Ne5 24.Nxe5 Qe6 25.Nc6+ bxc6 26.Qb6+ Kc8
27.bxc6 Rd6 28.Qb7+ Kd8 29.c7+ Ke7 30.c8=Q+ 1-0

[Event "National Open"]
[Site "Las Vegas, Nevada"]
[Date "2012.06.17"]
[Round "05"]
[White "Sloan,Sam"]
[Black "Liu,Daniel"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A00"]
[WhiteElo "1920"]
[BlackElo "2205"]

1.g4 d5 2.Bg2 Bxg4 3.c4 c6 4.cxd5 Nf6 5.Qb3 Qd7 6.e4 e6 7.h3 Bh5
8.dxe6 fxe6 9.Nc3 Bc5 10.Nge2 O-O 11.d4 Bxd4 12.Nxd4 Qxd4 13.Qxb7 Ng4
14.Nd1 Nxf2 15.Be3 Qc4 16.Nc3 Nxh1 17.Qxa8 Na6 18.Qxa7 Nb4 19.Qa4 Ng3
20.a3 Rf1+ 21.Bxf1 Qxf1+ 22.Kd2 Qd3+ 23.Kc1 Qxe3+ 24.Kb1 Qe1+ 25.Nd1
Qxe4+ 26.Kc1 Nd3+ 27.Kd2 Qxa4 0-1

[Event "National Open"]
[Site "Las Vegas, Nevada"]
[Date "2012.06.17"]
[Round "06"]
[White "Sloan,Sam"]
[Black "Kelley,Dereque"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "A00"]
[WhiteElo "1920"]
[BlackElo "2283"]

1.g4 d5 2.Bg2 c6 3.h3 e5 4.Nc3 Bd6 5.e4 d4 6.Nce2 c5 7.Ng3 g6 8.d3 Nc6
9.N1e2 Qc7 10.O-O Be6 11.f4 f6 12.f5 Bf7 13.Kh2 g5 14.a3 1/2-1/2

People laugh at my openings but I am not losing chess games because of
my openings. I actually gained 6 rating points at the National Open in
Las Vegas. This is because my average opponent was rated 2226, far
above my own current rating.

I got a half point bye in the first round. My first game against
Pedram Atoufi would have been a draw with best play, I think. My
mistake was 31.Rxa7. Instead I should have played 31. Re7. Then after
31. Re7 Rh1+ 32. Kg3 Rf3+ 33. Kg2 Bc6 34. Kxh1 (34. Re6) 34... Rh3+
35. Kg1 Rh1# I am still mated, but if I play 34. Re6 instead and I
keep attacking the black bishop on the long diagonal the game is a
draw I believe.

I was angry with myself for my game in round 3 against Eric Qi. I was
winning for most of the game. He missed 25. Rxh6 and if I play gxh6 he
has 26. Bxh6#, so I would have had to play 26. ... Neg8.

However, at the end of the game he blundered and I was winning. He had
five seconds left on his clock and I had nearly a minute. If I had
just stopped a few seconds and thought I could have wrapped up the
winning rook and pawn ending game easily. Instead I played almost
instantly. The game came down to king and rook against king and rook
with no pawns on the board. He had exactly one second left on the
clock and I still had nearly a minute. However, it was a time delay
clock and I could not put him over as long as he made every move in
less than five seconds, so I had to agree to a draw.

My game in round 4 against Yusheng Xia was my worst game. I once again
proved that my Deadly Dangerous Damiano's Defense can nearly equalize
with best play. I got an advantage out of the opening. I missed the
simple 18.Qh5+ Qf7 19.Qxc5 winning a pawn. Instead I could have just
played 16. .... Bxb3 with full equality and a likely draw.

The best game was round 5 against Daniel Liu. Unfortunately, I was on
the losing end of a nice combination. This game needs to be analyzed
by Fritz.

My opponent in Round 6 locked up the pawn structure, so I offered a
draw seeing no way that either of us could make progress. At first he
declined but after thinking about it he came to the same conclusion so
he offered me a draw and I accepted. This was good for me as he out-
rated me by 350 points so I got some rating points out of this quick

Sam Sloan
Taylor Kingston
2012-06-19 17:36:14 UTC
On Jun 19, 3:06 am, samsloan <***@gmail.com> wrote:

People laugh at my openings. I am losing chess games because of my

I actually got a half point bye in the first round, would have been a
draw with best play, I think. My mistake was I was angry.

Unfortunately, I need to be analyzed.

Sam Sloan
