Let's Cook It Right
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2013-09-03 03:54:14 UTC
Here is one of the most popular, helpful, and widely praised cookbooks ever published. Dedicated to the principle that foods can be prepared to retain their delightful flavors, as well as their rewarding nutrients, Adelle Davis, a well-known nutritionist, has completely reviewed the recipes in this edition, added dozens of new ones, rewritten old ones, deleted little used ones, and changed hundreds to keep pace with recent scientific findings. In addition to nearly four hundred basic recipes for preparing every type of food, she has supplied thousands of easy-to-fix variations of them. A major change in this new edition has been to reduce solid fats to a minimum and to increase the use of vegetable oils. thus minimizing dangers from a high leve1 of cholesterol in the blood. Adelle Davis has also attempted to eliminate any ingredients that contain possible cancer-producing additives, such as those found in chemicals used in certain colorings, preservatives, bleaches, artificial sweeteners, flavorings, and dyes. She also warns against food contaminations from lacquers, enamels, waxes, and some widely used insecticide sprays.

Easy-to-follow, concise, and complete, this new edition will be warmly welcomed by every homemaker who wishes to maintain her family's maximum physical and emotional well-being.
2013-09-04 03:36:19 UTC


Adelle Davis

Here is the first revised edition of one of the most popular, helpful, and widely praised cookbooks ever published. Dedicated to the principle that foods can be prepared to retain their delightful flavors, as well as their rewarding nutrients, Adelle Davis, a well-known nutritionist, has completely reviewed the recipes in this edition, added dozens of new ones, rewritten old ones, deleted little used ones. and changed hundreds to keep pace with recent scientific findings. In addition to nearly four hundred basic recipes for preparing every type of food, she has supplied thousands of easy-to-fix variations of them. A major change in this new edition has been to reduce solid fats to a minimum and to increase the use of vegetable oils. thus minimizing dangers from a high leve1 of cholesterol in the blood. Adelle Davis has also attempted to eliminate any ingredients that contain possible cancer-producing additives, such as those found in chemicals used in certain colorings, preservatives, bleaches, artificial sweeteners, flavorings, and dyes. She also warns against food contaminations from lacquers, enamels, waxes, and some widely used insecticide sprays.

Easy-to-follow., concise, and complete, this new edition will be warmly welcomed by every homemaker who wishes to maintain her family's maximum physical and emotional well-being.

Jacket Design by Paul Bacon Studio

Let's Cook It Right

“Good Health Comes from Good Cooking”

Here is a new kind of cooking guide - for the beginner or the inexperienced cook – that shows how to prepare delicious, attractive looking foods and apply the principles of good nutrition at the same time. LET'S COOK IT RIGHT is therefore not only a complete cookbook, it is also a simple manual in the use of foods for maximum health and well-being.

LET'S COOK IT RIGHT contains 350 basic recipes for preparing every variety of food, and over 3,000 variations of them! Thus endless repetition is avoided in the text and greater flexibility allowed the cook who enjoys being creative. All the recipes are simplified and the suggested procedures shortened as much as possible.

Miss Davis gives special attention to the preparation of meats and vegetables – meats because they are the most expensive items on the food budget, because Americans are particularly fond of them, and because protein deficiencies are widespread; vegetables, because they have been robbed of their nutrients during cooking more than any other food.

To help stretch the food dollar, Miss Davis makes innumerable suggestions for buying wisely, selecting the most potentially nourishing items for the money, utilizing left-overs, and preparing inexpensive soups and meat substitutes. The reader will learn, too, how to create desserts which will contribute to health while fulfilling their traditional function in the well planned meal.

There are many suggestions for between meal snacks to satisfy the hunger of growing children while at the same time supplying vitamin and calorie requirements so necessary to these years. There are also recipes for candies which will answer, harmlessly, the child's natural craving for sweets.

Miss Davis' unique methods of food preparation are nowhere better illustrated than in her chapter on salads – one of the most illustrative of dishes. She introduces a number of new but easily obtainable vegetables, adds interesting herbs, spices, and seasonings and mixes the whole in such a way as to produce a salad that is invariably crisp and piquant.
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